"Is that you?"

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Author’s P.O.V




Madison’s steady heart rate rang out through the small hospital. The lads were seated around Madison’s bedside with even Paul sitting in a chair at the foot of the white hospital bed. Madison slipped into a coma from the excessive beatings.

“It’s all my fault” Harry blamed himself pulling at his curls.

Louis reached over taking the younger boys hands from his curls lowering them back down to his sides “Harry none of this is your fault. More of mine I threw the snowball which made you come outside which resulted in…this” 

“No. it wasn’t any of your faults. It was her past that caught up to her and he ended up being the past. Lads you can’t get yourself down on this” Paul said ending the discussion over whose fault it was.

The beeping of the machine picked up speed beating rapidly. Harry screamed for a nurse clutching Madison’s shoulders tightly.

“You can’t do this! MADISON CLARK! Don’t you dare do this to me! DON’T!” Harry screamed shaking her limp body. Liam and Zayn wrapped arms around Harry dragging him away from Madison.



“Shock 200 clear” the nurse yelled putting the pads to Madison’s chest.

Everything fell silent in the room not even a beep from the heart monitor. Collapsing in Louis arms I sobbed uncontrollably. Then…





She was back, or at least her heart rate was normal meaning she was still alive but in a coma. I felt awful seeing her weak pale and cold in that hospital bed not the energetic girl I knew who was jumping around my bed this morning singing about waffles with my best friends. The girl who I went sledding with only three days ago, her smile and laughter. It just wasn’t her. Her face pale besides the light purple bruises spotting around her face.

“Harry we should go home. You’ve been here for eight hours now” Liam yawned trying to get me to leave.

“No I’m not leaving Liam” I said staying in my chair.

Liam nodded leaving the room with Paul and the lads leaving me and Madison. A tube shoved down her throat supporting her breathing. IV’s hooked up to her wrists and arms dripping slowly into her. If only I hadn’t gone after Louis and his childish games and I hadn’t left her alone. If I hadn’t brought her with us but back in London. If she were over at Dani or Eleanor’s cabin having a girl’s night painting toe nails or watching movies gossiping, she wouldn’t be here suffering. If I hadn’t ignored her all those years she wouldn’t have dated this prick and I could’ve saved her from everything.

“Madison baby I am so sorry. For everything being a jerk leaving you everything. I can’t bear to see you like this it just isn’t you. I love you so much” I whispered kissing her smooth forehead.

*Week later*

“Harry you need sleep” Niall said.

I shook my head at the Irish boy “What if she wakes up and can’t find me?”

“Please Harry just get some sleep. Go back on the bus. It’s out front.” Liam instructed picking me up from the chair actually holding me in his arms. I groaned and nodded as I laid my head on his chest.

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