Girl's Day and Ex's

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“Time to get up!” Someone yelled in my ear.

I screamed and jolted straight up from my bed hitting my head on someone else’s head. I opened my eyes and found a blue- green eyed Doncaster boy leaning over my bed rubbing his forehead.

                “Well good morning to you too!” Louis grumbled as he took a seat on the edge of my bed.

                “Sorry Lou!” I gave him a huge hug “How did you get into my house?”

                “Dad let me in when he left for work, and I made pancakes with the help of your Mom because I would’ve burned the house down! But anyways…breakfast time!” Louis grabbed my waist and ran down the hallway with me in his arms.

In the kitchen were four tired looking boys shoveling food in their mouths. They all looked up and grinned at me saying their good mornings. Harry came up to me kissing me sweetly on the lips and whispering a good morn’ in my ear.

                “MADISON! WE HAVE A GIRL’S DAY OUT!” The front door opened and the presence of my best friend was known. Jaycee swept into the room dark aviators balancing on her nose and a pink tank top and jeans and as always looked stunning. She looked at the boys who had stopped eating and were watching her “Sorry guys but I haven’t seen my best friend in over four months and I need to spend the day with her”

                “Have her! I’m tired of her anyways” Niall sarcastically said.

I put a hand over my heart to emphasis the hurt “Niall! That hurt me!” I faked cried into Harry’s chest.

                “Sorry, but have her back at the arena at 2 and we have no problem. Boys what arena do you reckon we are seeing tonight?” Niall turned to Liam and Zayn where they started a deep conversation.

                “Alright let me go get dressed be down in two”

“I’m picking out your outfit!” Harry yelled as he ran up the stairs before me.

“Nothing inappropriate Harold!” I yelled at his back as I jogged up the stairs to me room.

In my room Harry was digging through my drawers throwing clothes into the air. He smiled and held up a yellow sun dress he handed it to my before giving me a kiss on the cheek and left the room. I smiled and slipped off my pajamas and into the yellow dress. I quickly ran a curling iron through me hair and slipped my feet into a pair of brown sandals with sunflowers on them.

                “Ready to go?” I called down the stairs to Jaycee who was leaning against my front  door staring down at her phone with an annoyed expression. She heard me and she smiled and opened the door leaving out to her Volkswagen bug.

                “Bye boys! See you all tonight” I stepped into the kitchen seeing the boys all on their phones. The put their phones down and gathered me in a group hug.

                “Don’t leave us!” They all said in unison

                “I will be at the arena at 2 I won’t be gone long”

                “Be there at 1:30. Paul just texted saying they need to hear you first and do sound check with you then us” Liam gave me a hug before heading off into the bathroom.

Everybody pulled back except for one, Harry. He pulled me closer to him as he walked with me down the hall to the front door.

                “bye harry see you soon” I opened the door and was pulled back to his chest. He looked down at me through his lashes with his big green eyes.

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