Prologue: Speechless

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This is weird but my therapist said maybe if I wrote down everything I do it will make me want to talk again, but the last time I did that was before high school when I was fourteen and to be honest I never liked talking anyway so I just stopped. But I do this to make my family happy so here it is.

For anyone reading this I should introduce myself, Hi, my names  Calum I'm sixteen and I don't even remember what my own voice sounds like. Wow, that's pathetic. I don't have lots of friends (naturally) I get lots of stares and most people have given up on me at this point and I'm constantly a target for bullies.

But maybe this year things will change. I can hope. I'm at a new school but hey I may make some new friends and be a little less I don't know me. I don't mean that in a bad way but I'm so painfully awkward I want to slam my face into a wall. My hand is cramping I should go. I set down my pen and go down the hall and get a snack before going back up to my room and staring at the same four walls.

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