Chapter 12 Moving On

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Calum POV

I see Ashton in the hall and duck my head down into my open locker. "You still mad at me?"  He asks sadly. "What do you think?" I type in my phone and show to him. He sighs before speaking. "I'm sorry, it was probably my sister who told her friends, girls can't keep secrets!" He protests. 

"Just go hang out with Luke okay? I'm fine without you."  I say and close my locker and walk to class. I'm sitting in class and happen to see Ashton. I want to walk over and apologize, I do feel bad about the whole situation but how do I know he didn't tell anyone else about us?  I know he misses me like I miss him but maybe I should just give him the cold shoulder to show that  I mean what I say and won't go crawling back to him.  The bell rings and I throw my things into my backpack and leave before he can try to catch up to me.  I'm waiting outside for my mom to pick me up after school when Luke walks over. I inwardly groan. "I know you're still upset about things between you and Ashton but honestly I've never seen him so happy with anyone than when he's with you.

 Just consider talking to him or something?" His eyes are begging me. "I'm just a charity case and I won't be the one to make amends until she says that he told the whole school. I thought I could trust him and turns out I can't so the jokes on me huh? The weird mute kid. He played me but it's fine I don't  need him." But my voice cracks and my eyes are tearing up which makes all I  said seem like a big lie ( and to an extent it is) Luke frowns and gives me a  hug before I can resist it. I'm a crying mess and don't notice my mom pull up until I hear a car horn. " Thanks." "He still cares about you," Luke says before we part ways. 

I get in the car and wipe my tears with the sleeve of my jacket. " I'm guessing you and Ashton haven't talked?" My mom asks I shake my head sadly. " No, he said his sister probably told one of her friends about us and her friend may have said something and never meant to for it to slip. But I'm still upset." I gaze out the car window " I know but maybe you should talk to him, you obviously love him." " Mom I can't how do I know I'm not some charity case?"  I  sigh deeply and feel my eyes getting hot again. "I was going to run some errands you want to come? Maybe it will get your mind off all of this." 

" No thanks, can you just drop me off at home?"  


I walk up the stairs and head for my room when I hear music coming from my sister's room. If anyone can help me figure out this mess it's her. I timidly knocked on the door that's half cracked.  "Hey, can I come in?"  Nothing the music must be too loud and my voice is too quiet. I   open the door and poke my head in. " Hey,"  Mali looks up from her desk and smiles " Hey, how was school?"   "Okay  but I'm having some trouble with one of my friends." 

" Oh?" 

 " You can come in sorry." I  look around her room for a place to sit and settle on the pod chair that's in the corner. "So your friend what's his name?" 

"Ashton we're kind of more than friends at this point. " Your dating?" I freeze, "Yeah."  She doesn't seem surprised at all which makes me relax. "What's happening between the two of you?"  She turns her chair my direction and waits for me to reply. 

" Well.. I  spin the chair around or a minute. " Yes the chair is fun, the rest of the story  please?" "Oh right so he's been going through a rough time with his family but his sister told one of her friends about us and outed us to the whole school and everyone's making fun of us, but mostly me.  I feel like I was just a charity case to him." I  pull out my phone and see a text from him and frown, 

"Who is it?"

 "Ash." I hand her my phone. 

"Hey Cal I know you're really upset but maybe we could work this out? I was going over Michael's if you wanted to go with? Anyway if you don't reply I get it."  Mali  reads. " You want me to text him back?" 


"But you said you missed him?"

"I do but... I can't forgive him that easy." 

"You said Ashton did nothing wrong, his sister did, I would accept his peace offering and go your friends with Michael I'm assuming, right? " I am  but I just need some time." She scrolls through our texts. "Is this him?" She asks pointing to one of the selfies Ash sent me. " Yeah, he's a cutie huh?"  I say and find myself  beaming. My sister nods in approval, "He is." She hands me my phone back. " I hope you two work it out, where's mom?" " Grocery store, I didn't feel like being in the store for three hours."  I laugh. " I feel that.  "How's school for you?"  I ask. " I graduate in three months but who's counting?" She laughs. "Where do you want to go to college? " I'm hoping  to go to a big university next year." " That's great do you know what you want to major in?" I ask and spin around in the chair again. " Not sure something creative, how's songwriting going?"  "I haven't written anything lately."  I  put my phone in my pocket and look around my sister's room. " I redecorated, you like it?" 

"I do the  Christmas lights look cool, are they a fire hazard though?" I question looking at the lights skeptically. " Um.. don't think so." "Fair." I get out of the chair when I hear my mom downstairs in the kitchen. " I should do homework." "Good luck with that.  " Oh and Calum?  Things with Ashton will work out trust me." I  nod and go to my room and scroll through our texting conversations. My finger hovers over the call button but i'm too nervous to even talk to him. 

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