Chapter 30 Junior Year

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Calum POV

The first day of school is always the hardest but I'm halfway through the week and feel a lot better about this year than last year.  I go into my math class and groan remembering we have a test today.   I wait for lunch to roll around and meet  Ashton in the cafeteria at our usual table.  I check my phone to see a text from Ashton saying he's talking to a teacher but will be here soon.  "Hey." I look up to see Michael. "Hey, how are you?" He shrugs and sits across from me. "Ok, It's weird living between two houses." I nod sadly. "I know that sucks."  He sighs "Yeah but hey  were almost done with high school that's great right?" "Very."  I feel someone wrapping their arms around my shoulders and smile. "Hi, Ashton."  

"Hi, How was your day?" He lets go of me and kisses my cheek before sitting next to me. "Ok had a test in math probably failed."  "I doubt you failed I've been helping you," Luke says confidently as he sets his tray down. "Which I'm grateful for but this class is so hard, and my classmates are not the nicest." I take a bite of my sandwich. "Of fuck them you're doing fine," Michael says.  Ashton nods and reaches into his backpack for his lunch."Your sandwich is going to be squished." I comment raising an eyebrow.  He laughs.  "It's whatever, so I thought more on the newspaper thing and I think I'm going to do it, I  have my portfolio ready and I'm going to go apply maybe tomorrow." 

"Wait you have to apply for the newspaper position?" I ask  "Yeah and I'm super nervous about it."  "What is this position?" Michael asks looking confused. "To be the photographer for the school newspaper, I might as well make my last two years count right? So I'm going to do it." He looks at me for encouragement.  Luke raises his eyebrows, "For photography?"  "Were you not listening?" Michael mocks. "Yeah sorry I'm a little out of it today." He shrugs and looks like he's upset about something. "Is it school related?" I ask. "Just stressed is the right word, I graduate this year and still don't know where I'm going to college." "You apply for schools this year, you have plenty of time," Ashton says gently. "I know but that's a big decision for me to make what if I pick the wrong school? "Transfer?" Michael suggests. "I guess." Luke shrugs and takes a bite of his apple. 

"I um wanted to ask you something." Calum pipes up.  "What is it?"

"I was thinking of trying out for sports this year since I can talk now." 

"Your athletic?" Luke asks surprised. "I played football as a kid and still practice I just never played because... what do you think should I do it?" I  look at them excitedly waiting for a reply. "If you do get on the team you would be on JV as a junior," Michael says. "But I'd make the team right?" Luke and Ashton exchange a wary look." "That team is highly competitive just like the football team, um American football, but you can try."  The smile slips off my face. "But you said I would make the team." I look right at Ashton "I thought you guys would support me in this."

"We're just being honest with you Cal we're not saying you're not good," Michael says and immediately regrets his words.  "You know what? Forget I brought it up." I mumble and look down at the table.  They begin talking about something but I zone out mad that they shot down my idea of joining the team. The sound of the bell ringing for next period breaks through my thoughts. I hurriedly pack up my stuff. "I'll see you guys later," I say turning my back to them and going to class. 

The Next Day 

Ashton POV

The bell rings and I  shove my notebook in my backpack and pull out my folder.  Nervously I leave the room and wander down the hall searching for the right room number. After five minutes I stumble upon it. I look at the door to Mr. Murphy's office and feel myself sweating my grip around my portfolio gets tighter.  I move closer to the door to knock but hesitate. "Oh come on just knock," I whisper to myself and knock on the door quietly.  Inside I hear him hang up the phone and walk over to the door. "H- hi I was interested in the photography position? I um brought my portfolio for you to look over."  my palms are so slick with sweat I'm afraid I'll drop the manilla folder right here in the hallway. He smiles, "Oh great! Come in and I'll look them over." "While I'm here?" I feel my glasses sliding down my nose and wiggle my nose to push them back up. "Yes is that a problem?" He asks looking confused. "Oh no I just have never done anything like this before," I  admit. "Nothing to be nervous about." He says while glancing at my sweaty hands. "Sorry if this thing feels damp." I apologize handing over the folder.  He laughs and goes to his desk. I  shut the door behind me gingerly. "What's your name I realized you never mentioned it. "Oh! Ashton Irwin."

"Are you related to Katelyn?" I nod. "Yeah, she told me about the opening."  "Perfect, I've seen some of your work, your really talented."  He smiles as he looks down at my photos. "You have?" "Yes, she showed me some photos you took, not to mention her senior photos those were amazing." He says. I totally forgot that I took her senior photos.  Not knowing what else to say I stammer out a thank you before he puts the photos back in the folder. My heart thuds. "You're in."

"I'm what?"

"You got the position, you have a great eye and would be a wonderful addition to the newspaper and if you're interested you can also work with the yearbook committee, they could use some more photographers."

"R-really, oh my gosh thank you so much I thought I wouldn't make the cut! I won't let you down." I promise and get out of the chair abruptly and nearly fall over."  He laughs at this. "Your welcome, I look forward to working with you." I nod eagerly and leave his office and skip down the stairs and head out to the parking lot to meet Luke. "You look excited," he says as I walk over to the car and lean against the door unable to hold back my excitement. "I got the newspaper position!" I cheer.  His eyes light up before running over to me and giving me a bear hug. "That's awesome!"  I nod pulling away from him so I can get the keys out. "I guess Kate showed him some of my work and told him about me so he said yes immediately."  I unlock the door and toss my backpack in the backseat and shut the door and wait for him to get in. 

"When do you start?" Luke asks. "Next week, I can't mess this up, I rarely get chances like this." 

"You'll be fine, have you talked to Calum since  yesterday?" I chew my lip to avoid replying as I look at the line of cars were stuck in to get out the lot. "Ash?" "No, I don't know what to say, obviously he wants to  be on the team but.. the athletes here are your stereotypical and would chew him up and spit him out, and I don't want him to go through that." I flick on my blinker. "You should call him when we get home he seemed upset that we all shot down his idea." "We were just being honest," I say. "Yeah but we were blunt about it." Luke points out. "Why are you always right?"  He shrugs and turns up the radio. "Anywhere you need to go before we head home?"  I ask.  "Some food would be great I'm starving."

"Aren't you supposed to be saving money though?" I asked glancing over at Luke who's pouting. "Yes but their's nothing I want at home." He complains. "We can stop by the store and make something?" He thinks it over. "Fine." 

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