Chapter 36 We become kings of the school

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Ashton POV

I wake up after a not very restful nights sleep and get ready for school.

"You need a ride?" Luke asks.

"No, I was going to drive."

"You don't have your car." He says

"What do you mean?" I take a bite of my toast. "Um, you took an Uber home yesterday."

"But I have my keys?" I set my toast down and get up and open the door to the garage to see my car to my horror is not there. I shut the door and run back into the kitchen."WHERE IS MY CAR?!" I scream."First off ow, and I don't know you caught a car home with Calum and Michael." He says. I blink trying to remember where my car is but I'm coming up empty. "Hey calm down you are going to hyperventilate," Luke says. " I have no idea where my car is, yet I have my keys..."

"I'll take that as a yes," Luke says getting up from the table and getting his keys. The ride to school I'm trying to figure out where my car is and feel really uneasy about the fact that I can't remember. "You think you can't remember cause of the fight? You were pretty worked up after it and maybe your emotions are messing with your memory." Luke says a pulling up to the school. "Thanks for the ride I'll call you after school." I go to get my backpack and realize I don't have that either. "Luke..."

"I was going to see how long it would take for you to notice, and I don't know where your backpack is." He says. I sit there for a minute and before smashing my face into the dash and screaming. "So the dashboard of my car is the void?" Luke jokes. "You don't understand! I have no idea where my car or my backpack is! My bag has my laptop and the homework that I didn't do!"

"Just go to class and ask Calum if he knows where it is, you were with him after school yesterday," Luke says. I lift my head up and look out the window where I see Michael standing outside and looking at us with his head cocked to the side. "Or ask Michael," Luke says. I open the door. "Why were you screaming int the dashboard?" He asks. "I don't have my backpack and I don't know where it is, also my car was not in the garage this morning and I'm freaking out," I explain. He stops walking and turns around toward the parking lot. "Where are you going? We have class in twenty minutes!"

"Ash just follow me." I sigh deeply and follow after him and into the lot. I'm confused as to why we're in the student lot considering he doesn't have a car. I scan the row of parked cars and freeze. "There it is!" I say under my breath. " You dropped your backpack off in your car before the start of the fight and didn't feel like going back into the lot to get it cause half the school was still out here, I thought you knew, but I figured I rather show you than tell you." He says. I let out a slight scream and feel myself blushing. "Glad you're excited about it." He laughs. "Y-yeah thanks, let me get my bag and we can go inside."

"Thank goodness you remembered," I unlock my door and get my backpack from the back seat and shut the door. "Are we going to be late?" I ask. "Nah we have a few more minutes." He replies kicking a rock. "Ok, we can go now."

I walk into school and notice a few people turn around and smile at me, a girl even says good morning, naturally, this is weird cause no one ever talks to me in the halls. " I murmur.

"Maybe it's cause of the fight?" Michael suggests looking just as surprised as I am. "Ash! Great job beating Owen he so deserved it." A girl tells me as I open my locker. "Um, thanks I guess?" She laughs at my confusion and much to my dismay kisses my cheek before going down the hall. I grimace and look in the mirror to see the red lipstick stain. "What part of I'm gay don't people get," I mumble

"How was that physical contact?" Michael jokes. "Awful." I get a tissue and vigorously wipe the stain and groan. "Need a makeup wipe?" A girl across the hall asks holding out a packet. "Oh yes! Thank you." I take a wipe from the pack and continue wiping my face until the red begins to disappear. I look in the mirror and see Michael and the girl talking as the bell rings. "I'll see you at lunch." He says. "See you then!" I yell and continue wiping my face till it's gone. I thank the girl again and head to class.

Calum POV

Walking into school the next morning is a very different experience than the usual. I'm going to my locker and have had five people say hello to me, usually, everyone ignores me, and even when I reply back to them no one makes a face upon hearing my voice like they usually do but they just smile and nod. I blink confused as I push my locker open and get my books for the day.

Me: You want to go somewhere to get lunch and not go to the cafeteria today?

Ash: I would but I need to be on time for my next class but Friday for sure

Me: I think I have detention then.. and so will you

Ash: Right

"Calum phone away." My teacher says pursing her lips. "Sorry I was just texting my mom." I lie. she looks at me with disapproval and goes to the other side of the room. I put my phone in my pocket and finish my work and wait for the bell to ring.

I meet  Ashton by my classroom and as we turn the corner to go down the hall I'm shocked to see students lining the hallway all of them clapping and cheering...  for us. I give him a look wtf look before slowly turning the corner."We must be in a movie," I whisper as we go to the cafeteria. "No one has ever clapped for me doing anything... I sort of like it?" He says and slides his hand in my back pocket. "I like it too... is that weird?"  I shake my head, "It's human nature to want to be liked and neither of us has been until now so.." We both soak in all the attention.

"We went from outcasts that everyone hated to sudden heroes." I murmur. "I know a girl kissed my cheek this morning!" Ashton says. I turn and look at him skeptically. "Seriously?" He nods. "It was such an invasion of my personal space, luckily another girl gave me a makeup removal wipe cause she left a big red stain on my cheek." I laugh at the thought of it as we go to our table. "I sort of like the attention," Michael says. "The girl you were talking to this morning.."

"She's in my English class, I wanted to take her to that school dance we went to but I figured it would be weird." I   look up to see a guy I don't know standing at the table. "Calum! Hey, I'm Chase on the lacrosse team I'm having this big party this weekend and was wondering if you wanted to come to my party this weekend? Your friends can come too." He smiles brightly. " I'll check my calendar," I reply confused at the invite. "Sure here's my number." He hands me a scrap of paper. "Thanks, I'll let you know." He waves and goes back to his table. I turn around and see Michael with his jaw dropped."


"The team captain of the lacrosse team just invited you to a party oh my god we have to go." Ashton raises an eyebrow. "You are never excited about parties, let alone the ones of athletes." "The lacrosse team is a, not assholes like the soccer team and b as popular as the soccer team and they always throw the best parties, I need some sort of social life especially as my home life gets worse and worse." He mumbles. "What's going on?" Ashton asks. "Don't wanna talk about it." He says without missing a beat. "Ookay."

"I'm going to bask in the feeling over everyone liking us." I reply as a few more people come over to our table congratulating Ashton on beating Owen. He fakes a smile each time. "I like the attention for once but not like this." He murmurs as the bell rings. "I know but hey you won't get bullied." He thinks it over and nods. "Your right, I should go to the newspaper office see you two later." I watch him leave and pack up my own lunch. "I should get to class considering I ditched yesterday."

"Why'd you ditch?"

"I didn't feel like being in class so I went to Starbucks." He says getting up. "Oh well see you later,"

"Don't you want to walk to class together?" He asks sliding on his backpack. "Oh right! I'm stupid." I throw my lunch away and follow him down the hall and can feel everyone in the hall's eyes on me. "No photos please!" Michael yells jokingly making me cringe yet laugh. "Guess I'm your bodyguard now." He says patting my back. "Yeah, oh this is me I nod toward the door. "See you after school." I go in my English class and find a seat in the back like always and wait for the rest of my class.

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