Chapter 23 Apologies

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Ashton POV

Last night I hardly slept because my arm has been hurting like hell.  I stumble downstairs and open the fridge looking for something to eat. "Morning."  Luke looks up from his iPad "Hey."    "Something wrong?"  "Arm hurts, might be a little swollen too." I get some milk and get down a bowl to pour it in. "Have you taken anything yet?" He asks concerned.  "I haven't eaten yet."  I quip "I can make a waffle for you." Luke offers  "I'm just going to get some cereal, oh and I have therapy today, yippee," I  say sarcastically. "Is it helping?"

"Sometimes." I dump half the box of Cheerios into the bowl and get a spoon. " Here." Luke gets up and carries my bowl to the table.  "Thanks."  I sit down and eat a spoonful.  "How was dinner last night? "Really good,  his mom um mentioned that she wanted to meet my mom so that was great explaining that she's dead," I reply my tone angry.  "Ash I'm sorry."  Luke frowns. "She didn't know so I can't be mad at her."  "Have you talked to your sister?"  I look over at him and stay silent.  "I take that as a no.  "Maybe you should  I know you feel super alone but don't cut ties to your whole family, especially her. Your mom wouldn't want that." I  look up from my bowl and glare at him. " What do you know about what my mom would want Lucas." He flinches hearing his whole name. " Ash I'm trying to help sometimes your so stubborn. " Maybe I should  talk to her, but I deleted her number so..."


"She's toxic." Luke sighs. I check my watch.  "I should get going but after therapy, I'll call Kate later." I finish my cereal and jog up to my room to get my keys and wallet and leave.   Therapy that day is not useful. I want to go over Calum's but I don't feel like just dropping by so I go get some coffee and sit at a table for a while. I text Michael cause I haven't seen him in a few days but don't get a reply.  After sitting in the coffee shop for a while I eventually drive home. 

I walk in the door and stop in my tracks when I hear her voice. "Ashton! hey." She turns to look at me from her spot on the couch next to Luke who nods for me to say something both of them waiting for my reply. But I go up to my room before she can say anything else. I  shut the door and sit on my bed ignoring how much my arm hurts and how my emotions want to take over. I hear a knock on the door a few minutes later."Ash? Can I come in?" Her voice sounds timid from the other side of the door. " Leave me alone!"

"Can we talk? I know I messed up and I wanted to fix things with you. If you don't want to see me after this you don't have to just let me in  p-please?" Her voice is cracking meaning she's about to cry too. I feel bad and get up and open the door. She walks in and sits on the floor. I return to my spot on my bed. 

"Ash I'm so sorry about graduation I didn't know dad would-"

"He's been doing it for years and you never believed me, I even told you again last year when I took the year off from school because of..." She nods.  "I know and I'm sorry for not doing anything about it. You know I've been just as lost after mom died. I've been trying to keep it together and in that process, I've forgotten about you."

"Everyone forgets about me." I grit my teeth. She blinks. "He hurt you pretty bad huh?" She looks at my cast and then up at my eye." Broke my arm and gave me a black eye." She sharply inhales her eyes falling on the floor. She's crying. " But I'm ok Kate I'm safe now and I'm getting help. I don't feel like I did before, I have an amazing boyfriend and really good friends, I'm fine." I assure her. 

"You also have a shitty sister." She sobs. "I don't know how I'm going to swing college since dad got arrested, I'm supposed to be living with mom's sister but I don't think so since she was so mean to you. I think I'm just going to work for a year and get an apartment, I can't stay in that house." She wipes her tears with the sleeve of her jacket, her body trembles every now and then with a sob.  "Kate ask our aunt for money for college, she's rich and doesn't do anything," I suggest bitterly.  She laughs a little.  "I can't do that."

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