Chapter 48 Spring Break

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Ashton POV

 I'm going to ask Calum if he wants to go with me to prom, I feel like he's been mad at me for some reason and I have no idea why.  I  get out my car and knock on the door. "Ashton! How are you?" Mali says giving me a hug. "Good, is Cal here? I didn't tell him I was coming."

"Oh yeah he's in his room, come in."I walk inside and go up the stairs. I'm almost going to ask which room is his when I see the door is cracked.  I hear very quiet singing and smile to myself as I tiptoe over to the door.   I peer into the room where a single light is on and that he's at his desk writing something.

"What are you doing." He jumps upon hearing my voice and seconds later I hear the sound of his leg bumping the desk followed by cursing. "Ashton you can't just sneak up on me like that!" He snaps. I  walk in the room and sit on his bed. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I wanted to see if you were hungry and we could get food." He turns his desk chair around and looks at me for a moment. "Also I wanted to ask  why you're so upset with me?"   He sighs getting out of his desk chair and sitting next to me on his bed. "You're going to school in Arizona." He looks down at the floor. I let out a deep breath. Right, college.

"Who told you?"  I ask.  

"Luke, why didn't you tell me, Ashton?" 

"I... just didn't want to hurt you."

"By not telling me? That hurt when did you know?"

"October." I squeak his brown eyes widen. "I mean the distance will be a problem." He says."We won't break up, I promise. "You can't keep that promise Ash, you are going to college, and I'll  still be in high school. I know you will want to meet people and... do things and I don't want to hold you back."

"Cal please you know how much I care about you." He looks over at me his eyes sad.   I feel like I might cry seeing how hurt he is. " I can't make this up to you but I was wondering if you wanted to be my prom date? It's the second week of May, I already got us tickets." I say nervously. He's quite so I keep talking, "It's going to be held at this nice hotel downtown and I really want to go with you."  I drum my fingers against my thigh.  He says nothing his eyes focused on the wall. 

"Please say something."

"Stop thinking about what we have will work once you graduate, it's stupid to think that. You're going to be in a different state."

"I will make this work, you're... like home to me, what we have I've never had with anyone else just trust me on this,"  I beg turning to face him.  He turns to look at me his eyes full of tears. "But what if we don't work out? What do I have? Nothing! I'm just a dumb kid with a speech impediment. The kid no one else wants." He sniffles. I move closer to him and pull his head into my chest. 

"You are not unwanted, your amazing and some people just haven't noticed yet. You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for, you hear me?" He glances up at me and nods. I rub his back I feel like calling Arizona state and deferring my admission, but I have to take this leap, go somewhere new, away from this toxic environment I've been in for so long.

"I do still want to go to prom with you." He whispers looking up at me a smile forming on his face.  "I thought you would say no, I just felt like prom wasn't your deal," I admit. He shakes his head, pressing his cheek against my shoulder so he can see my face. "I have been dreaming of going to prom, which sounds weird as a guy but... I can wear a tux! I never worn a tux, and oh my gosh can I get you flowers? Or wait till graduation for that?

"You can get me flowers anytime."  I chuckle.

"I love you."  I smile and gently press my lips on his before turning around my arm wrapped around his shoulders. "You need to be anywhere today?" "Who knows, but I only want to be with you." I blush at his words. 

I get home from lunch with Calum to find Luke at the kitchen table looking stressed as he types something into his computer rapidly."If you type any faster your fingers might fall off." I joke. He looks at me with anxious eyes. 

"What's up?"

"There's this girl that I want to ask to prom." He scrolls through his computer. "I've never done a promposal but I figured I should ask her right? Everyone usually has a date to prom. You have Calum, Michael's going with Winter." "He'll still be in the country for prom?" I wonder. "I think so... I don't really know when he's moving to be honest. Luke says his eyes flittering from his laptop screen. "You're freaking out about this." I point out. He looks over at me and lets out a sigh. "I can't be the one loser who goes to prom alone."

"You can go with Calum and I."

"I don't want to be a third wheel Ashton." He says. "So... who's the girl?" I ask

"She's in student council with me."  He explains, 

"Have you two  done anything outside of school?"  I prod trying to gauge the situation. "We went to the movies  during  our  sophomore year." "Does she have a crush on you?"  Luke looks at his screen thoughtfully. "I take that as a no?"

"I should ask her." He says hurriedly. I sigh. "Luke if she's not interested in you as friends or otherwise, it's a no, also you don't need a date for prom."

"But I'm in student council, it would be stupid if I don't go with anyone." "Go with the other kids from student council! You won't have to be a third wheel and you can have a good time with them right?" He bites his lip. "I..." "You want a group to go with to prom, and the four of us are always together,  it's okay to hang out with other people." I coax. 

"Y- you sure?"

"Yeah, and if it sucks, hang out with Cal and I." Luke shuts his laptop and thinks it over. "Your right."  He gets up from the table and goes upstairs.    I shake my head and go downstairs to go play drums.

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