Chapter 42 Surprise

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Calum POV

I'm sitting in Luke's basement watching Ashton play drums while we wait for Michael. This is our first rehearsal in a while and I'm excited for us to all be playing together again. "I forgot about getting us gigs because our lives have been busy," Luke says as he continues tuning his guitar.  "Don't worry about it, your trying to graduate." I nudge his shoulder and smile. "I am... but at the same time, I'm not ready." He says the smile slipping off his face a little.  "Why not? You're going to college! That's awesome and you've worked so hard for this."

"But I'm only seventeen, most people go to college at eighteen or nineteen."

"Why are you so  young?"

"I'm a genius." He says calmly glancing over at me a smirking. "Good to know I'm friends with a genius."  I hear a door open upstairs and seconds later Michael comes running down the stairs. "Sorry I'm late... parents are being a pain."  He takes his guitar out of the case and hastily plugs it in. "Were you at your dad's?"  Ashton asks looking up from his drum kit. "Yeah and then I was stuck in traffic and it's starting to snow, hey Luke can you beg your mom to let me stay over? I don't want to drive to his apartment from here."

"Sure I'll ask." 

"Let me plug my guitar in and we can start."  He says. 

"Hey take a breath, you seem stressed." He turns to look at me and takes a deep breath.


"I'm still stressed." Michael laughs a little. "Well, this should relax you." He nods. "Yeah, guitar is a stress reliever." We finish the song and I jump to hear clapping. I look up and see Katelyn leaning in the doorway.   Ashton drops his drumsticks and nearly falls over trying to get up. "Kate! I didn't know you were coming over?!" 

"I wanted to surprise you."  She says giving him a hug. "How are you I feel like I haven't seen you in a while." He says letting go. She shrugs. "I've been okay, I started college in the fall. " His eyebrows go up in surprise. 

 "How is that? going?" I ask.

"Hard but I got good grades this semester." She says. That's good, oh Ash did you tell her?" Luke asks. "Tell her what?" Ash raises an eyebrow. "About school," Luke says. I turn off the amp and wonder if Luke means the fight with Owen. Ashton must be thinking the same thing as he looks over at me and then Luke again confused. 

"The thing you told me." He says.

"Oh!  "I'm graduating this year." He says grinning stupidly. "You're graduating this year? You never told me." Michael says trying not to look upset. "I didn't know until after I took my finals, I meant to tell you but.." Ashton trails off. 

 Michael shrugs. "It's okay,  I'm sad that I don't get to see either of my friends graduate."  He replies putting his guitar in the case. "What do you mean?" Katelyn asks looking between her brother and Michael. "His parents uh got divorced and he's moving," Ash explains. 

"Where to?"

"Australia," Michael says sadly. "Oh! that's where I'm trying to go for college, what city?"

"Sydney, I really don't want to go through, all my friends are here but my mom really wants to move."

"What if your dad moved out of state... would your mom stay then?" Luke asks. "Who knows." He sits on the couch and checks his phone. "I didn't mean to interrupt your rehearsal." Kate apologizes. "We were done anyway," Ashton says. "Do you guys mind if I steal Ash for an hour or two?"

"Not at all," Luke says a little too quickly making Michael and I look at him skeptically.  "Okay, I'll get my jacket and we can leave,"  Ash says and goes upstairs with Katelyn. "What are you planning?" I ask turning to Luke.


"You said yes to  him leaving very quickly."

"I did.. I have a Christmas present for him and I needed  him to be gone so it can be perfect."

"What is it?" 

"Well...  I sort of met with his counselor and found out he got accepted to his dream school so I was going to print out the acceptance letter and  put it with a school t shirt and give it to him."

"Isn't that like violating his privacy a bit?" Michael asks. "No, he'll be excited." Luke assures us.

"Where did he get accepted?"

"Arizona State University."

"Where are you going?" Michael asks. "University of Colorado, Boulder" Luke responds half smiling. "So he's going to be out of state?" I ask sounding heartbroken. Luke frowns. "Have you talked to him about possibly leaving for college?" He asks looking confused that I'm not excited. "I gotta go, see you guys later." I pack up my bass and go upstairs. "Cal you leaving?" Ash asks looking at me surprised I  stay quiet and call my mom and try to hold how upset I feel inside. "Y- yeah my mom needs me home for dinner."

"Oh, I can give you a ride." Katelyn offers. I go to say no but agree. "Yes please." 

I  don't speak the whole ride home and try to stay calm. "I'll see you tomorrow right?" Ash asks. 

"Not sure what I'll be up to, since Mali is home from college and all." I shrug. "Oh right! Well, maybe the day after? I know it will be Christmas eve but I um have a present for you but it's not done." 

"Okay."  The car stops in front of my house. I thank Katelyn and gather my things before getting out.

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing."  We stand outside wishing I could go inside cause it's freezing. "Cal your upset about something," Ash says his eyes look sad. Gosh, not those eyes. "I'll talk to you later, go have fun with Kate." I nod toward the car. "I love you oh! Their's no mistletoe but..." He leans forward and kisses me and all the air rushes out my body. My cheeks get warm I roll my eyes and give in before pulling away for a minute. "More?" He asks giggling. "Duh." I drape my arms around his neck and continue kissing him for a minute longer before turning around and walking up to my house trying to hide the smile on my face. This distance may kill us but right now I'm just enjoying what just happened.

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