Chapter 21 Safe

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Michael POV 

I should really learn how to drive I think as I  skateboard to Luke's, he said it was important and I'm slightly nervous about as to why he wanted me over.  I'm out of breath by the time I make it to his house, I don't even bother knocking and just get the key from under the mat and open the door.

" Do you know what knocking is?" He asks looking annoyed as I open the door. " Yeah but I'm tired ok? I skated like ten blocks to get here, oh my gosh can I have some water?"  I pant. " Yeah follow me." I lean my skateboard against the wall in the laundry room and follow Luke to the kitchen. 

"So why did you want me over so badly?" 

"Hey, Michael."  "I turn my head to find the source of the voice and see Calum on the couch. 

"Hey, how are you?" 


"Oh, I didn't realize you were over,"  Ashton says sitting up. "What happened to you!?" I blink looking Ashton over and trying to take in why he has a black eye and a broken arm. " My dad, the usual." He says casually while blinking to wake himself up.  " Wait he hurt you?"  I try to hide the shock in my voice but it's impossible." Yeah, yesterday we waited to tell you because we didn't want to freak you out but we have to postpone  rehearsal because I can't play with one arm." 

"Makes sense,  your eye looks awful."  "I know." He frowns resting his head on Calum's shoulder. "Does it hurt?" " A bit tender when I touch it, my arm  is what's bugging me the most, but right now it's okay."  "So the pain meds worked?" Luke asks. " Yeah so did the nap." He smiles.  "I'm going up to my room." He says getting off the couch.    "Can I join you?" Calum asks. "Sure  follow me." I watch the two upstairs and wonder how Ash is so calm right now when he looks so bad.  

"How did this happen?"  Luke gets a glass down from the cabinet and fills it with water and hands it to me before speaking. " Well, we went over his house for his sister's grad dinner,"  "Okay and then his dad beat the shit out of him? You were there why didn't you prevent this!" I take a  gulp of water. " I left to take a call and I came back and... he was beaten up." Luke nods. "He's staying here permanently right?" 

"He is." I sit at the table trying to take this all in.  "Why did this go on for so long and we knew nothing about it?" " You know why, he likes to shut people out seem like nothing is wrong, he's Ashton he's good at that,"  Luke says. " Yeah your right, this is just... a lot to take in."


"You mind if I sleep over tonight? I don't feel like playing video games in the darkness of my room tonight."

"You want to be social?" Luke fakes enthusiasm. " I'm only social with you three, now four. You know I was slightly skeptical of Ash and Calum dating but their so cute together."  "I think the same thing, and he's happy for once."  Luke points out.  "So now what?" " Well his dad may get arrested for this, we don't know yet though, and we just wait for him to heal. " How badly broken is his arm?  Luke frowns and gets an envelope off the counter and opens it before sliding something over to me.

"Is this the x-ray?" I  ask in shock. " Yeah, pretty bad right?" " Very."  I look at it closer and feel myself getting angrier. " I can't... why did he do this?" " I don't know, but he's safe now and won't have to go back to that house.  "Kate.. she should have known what their dad is like,"  I say setting the X-ray on the table.  "She in some aspects is as bad as him." Luke shrugs. "That's messed up." I shake my head. " So that's all I had to tell you." He says and looks at me. "

"Good to know what's going on."  I  down the rest of my water. " I should tell my mom I'm staying here tonight." I  go to get my phone out of my pocket and groan. " Forgot your phone?" Luke asks I look at him and nod annoyed. " You can borrow mine." He slides his phone across the table. I thank him and go in his backyard to call my mom. 

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