Chapter 46 Date

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Michael POV

I have a date today, and I'm really late. I park and hurriedly get out and lock my car before running into the restaurant. "I'm really sorry I'm late I was coming from my dads and he lives super far," I explain sliding into the booth. "It's no problem I don't mind waiting. " She tucks her phone into her pocket. 

"Did you order yet?" 

"No, I just got water." She gestures to the glass on the table. "You could have got something," I reply opening the menu. "Michael it's okay." I know I should be honest with her and tell her what's happening but I don't want her to pity me. "Either that burger is really good or your overthinking something." She says putting a french fry in her mouth. "Oh I.." She rests her arms on the table and looks at me. "You can tell me."

"I'm just having some family stuff... my up parents just got a divorce over the summer hence me coming from my dad's." I sip my soda trying to keep my emotions even. "I'm sorry that must suck." She says looking at me sympathetically. "Oh it does, they can't even be in the same room I um found that out on my birthday."

"I thought you weren't doing anything?" She asks looking confused "I had dinner with my parents and I didn't want you to watch them fight and pity me, that's why I didn't invite you, I'm sorry."

"No it's okay I get it so your mom lives here too right?" I squirm and eat a french fry before speaking. "That's complicated, she wants to move to Sydney." She pauses mid-bite. "Like... Australia?" I nod. "That's where I was born I have family there and she... just wants to get out of here." I dig into my burger and watch her think through this. "How do you feel about it?" She asks. I hurriedly chew the rest of my food before replying.

"Awful, my life is here, I don't know anything about Australia but I have to go," I explain. "When do you leave?"

"February? I'm currently packing up my room, or I'd have you over."

"Oh." She   looks disappointed about something 


"I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me." She says her eyes look sad and it's like a stab to the heart. "I'd love to but I'm not sure if I'll be in town."  She nods before clearing her throat. 

"I haven't  seen you since that party." She continues, I shove a fry in my mouth. The party and I haven't even talked to Ashton or Luke about that night, I really should do that.

"Oh yeah."

"Were you okay? I called you the next day and you didn't pick up. I  sip my soda again trying to figure out what to say,

"I was very drunk, and um aggravated... turns out I had alcohol poisoning," I say. Her eyes widen,

"Michael! What the hell?"

"I didn't know I was that drunk until I dropped a glass of wine in Luke's kitchen." She blinks her face shocked. "I also um blacked out in Luke's bathroom." I wince as she looks at me horrified. "They um also had to call an ambulance  I guess.. I don't really know,  I haven't talked to Luke or Ash about this but um without them I..."

"Would be dead." She says her eyes scanning my face.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you since then. I've been embarrassed about that night and the whole moving thing and the divorce... its a lot."

"I'm sure it is." She takes a bite of her burger her eyes not leaving my face. "I was really worried for you that night Like I've seen you buzzed and tipsy but that was a lot and I knew something was wrong, I'm glad you went over Luke's." I nod. "Yeah." Silence falls between us as I finish my lunch and try to block out that weekend but it keeps coming to the front of my mind. "I'm assuming you have sworn off drinking?"

"My mom forbid me to drink." I say she raises her eyebrows. "I agree with her, also can I meet your mom? I know your moving and all but..." I freeze. My parents don't even know were a couple, but I can't tell Winter that.  "I'll see what she's doing." I lie as I get the bill. After my date, I drive over to Luke's house. I knock and wait for the door to open and see Ashton.  "Hey is Luke home?"

"Yeah, he's doing homework." I walk inside and we awkwardly look at each other before I clear my throat. "About last weekend? I'm sorry you had to see me like that and um thank you for looking out for me." I shove my hands in my pockets. "I wasn't going to let you just sleep it off, Luke and I knew something was wrong with you."  I look toward the staircase and see Luke and bite my lip. I don't wanna talk about this.

"Michael hey."


"You seem nervous," Luke says looking at me curiously before going into the kitchen.  "He's not going to be mad at you," Ashton whispers. "I guess," I mumble and follow after Luke. "I wanted to talk about um last weekend?" He freezes. "You were  drunk." He says. "Y- yeah but like I had alcohol poisoning I could have died but you made sure I didn't."  He nods. "When you blacked out I was terrified." He says his tone even. "I understand and I'm sorry I put you thought that and didn't bother to stop drinking."

"Mike it's okay, I mean it's not okay that you got to that point, but your not dead, you could be, but your not." He shrugs. "You seem way to nonchalant about this," I comment looking at him.

"I'm trying to repress  the memories of that night," Luke says simply, "Did I scar you for life?" I ask. 

"Not for life but I thought you were going to stop breathing."  I can see the fear in his eyes. "Shit what happened? I don't really know." He sighs and sits at the table. "We left  the party, I dropped Winter off at home and brought you back here." I nod for him to keep going.

"You were mad about something and I'm like okay he's drunk and mad about the divorce I'll leave him, but something in my brain said something more was wrong. You were on the couch talking to Ash and you went up to his room cause I didn't want to leave you alone. 

"I got some wine right?"

"Yes and dropped the glass and that's when I knew something was wrong cause drunk you won't let a glass slide-out your hand." He looks down at the table and explains the rest and gets emotional and I feel really bad. "Thank you for helping me out."

"Of course, I wasn't just going to  leave you, I know sleeping it off was a bad idea." I nod.

"Again, thanks."

"Yeah, is that why you came over?" He asks getting up from the table, Uh no I need two tickets to that stupid morp dance or whatever."

"One it's not stupid and won't you be all moved out by then?"

"Don't know but I need to take Winter to this dance," I explain. "You really like her huh?" He asks  as we go upstairs.  "Yes, she's so sweet and looked so sad when I said I was moving like I wish I could do something to stop thi-"

"Have her meet your mom I keep telling you." He says dropping down on  to his bed.   "Yeah, she said she wants to meet  my mom..." Luke nods. 

"But that won't do any good right? I'm still moving across the world, "Plus our relationship probably won't last my move either, it's pointless." 

"If you really care about this, you'll have her meet your mom, just a thought." Luke says. "your right so those tickets?"

"The dance is a month away but I'll let you know."

"Thanks, you want to play video games or something?"

"I'd love to."  

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