Chapter 17 Rehersal

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Calum POV

I wake up early and climb off the couch trying not to wake my boyfriend and go upstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning, how was your night?"   Mali asks. "Good." "Does your friend  have a crush on me or?" "Yes." I roll my eyes and sit across the table from her. "  Knew it, why are you up so early? Usually, you sleep until like noon." "I need some advice."  I start. " Ok,  dating advice or..." "No like life advice,"    I tell her about Ashton and I's conversation and  how maybe I do want to be in the band but I'm scared. "I would say go for it. You are talented, more than you let people know. Also, I've seen some of your songs and their so good.  Go to rehearsal tonight and just see how it goes." She says.

" What if I suck?" 

" Then..." She shrugs. 

"I guess I'll go. I should go back downstairs."  I  get up and go down the hall when  I  run into my boyfriend.  

" Oh hey, I was going to wake you."   He nods his eyes are half open and his curls are in disarray. "Sleep well?"

 " Uh huh." I  push his glasses up his nose with one finger admiring how adorable he looks right now. " Are Luke and Michael  awake yet?"  


" Your so cute when you are sleepy."


"Wait here." I run down the stairs where I see Luke on the couch looking at his phone and Michael fast asleep. "Good luck waking him." " Heavy sleeper?" "Very."  "Well.."  I look at my sleeping friend when I come up with an awful yet funny idea, which involves a blow horn. "What does that look in your eyes mean?" Luke asks looking concerned. " That I have an idea." 

 I go into the music room and find my blow horn and think of the consequences of doing this.  My mom's not home so I don't have to worry about that.  Mali might tell her though... oh well. I go into the room and look at Luke " That's your idea?" "Yes!" I say and press the button. Michael bolts upright looking startled. I  stop the horn and say nothing.

"What the hell was that?" He yells. " A blow horn, morning buddy." " I'm going to kill you for that!" He yells and chases me upstairs.  "Calum what the hell was that? A blow horn?" Mali asks looking annoying. " Yeah to wake up Michael," I say before I feel my face collide with the tile as Michael wrestles me to the ground and sounds of the blow horn right next to my face making me wince. " Stop! I need my hearing." I whine. Ash takes the horn from him before going into the kitchen with his hands over his ears."Boys." My sister grumbles shaking her head. 

*A few weeks later*

Tonight is band rehearsal and I'm terrified.    "Are you sure about this, me being in the band? You have never even heard me play."  " I'm sure your great," Ash says closing the car door. " I don't know.." I worry and get my bass out the trunk and follow him into the garage where Luke and Michael are setting up.   "Hey, you excited?" Luke asks. "I mean yeah  and nervous." " No need to be nervous."  I  awkwardly plug my bass into an amp and strum a bit, I tune it until it sounds perfect and sit on the nearby stool.  " I bought one of my songs if you wanted to play it if not I understand." I pull the folded sheet of notebook paper out my pocket and hand it to Luke who looks it over. " This song is really good, what's the name of it?" "Gotta Get Out," I say. " Do you have written down what the chords are?" 

" I was figuring we could just see what fits? " Ok, you want to sing it so we know what it sounds like?" Ash suggests. I freeze " Don't worry, we won't judge you." Luke says and smiles a little. " O-ok." I take a shaky breath before I start singing. "Your voice is really good," Luke says. " Thanks, I used to be better but um..." "Your good, you just don't give yourself credit," Ash says smiling a little.  

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