Chapter 19 Graduation

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Ashton POV

Tonight is graduation and I'm shaking because I'm so scared to see my dad. I should be calm since we will be in public so he can't hurt me, but I know he'll try. "Ash, you ready?" Luke asks. I  tie my tie and try to get my hands as I search my room for my converses. 

"A- almost." I  find my shoes under my bed and slip them on and end up trying to tie them four times because I'm shaking so hard before I just throw it on my floor in frustration.  I meet Luke in the living room and try to look like I'm ok as I clean my glasses on my shirt. " You have the tickets right?" I nod and feel my pocket. The drive to the venue is nerve-wracking and I'm trying just to breath. "He won't hurt you, also I'm here I'll make sure you're ok."  Luke soothes.  "Thanks let's go I guess?"  We get out the car and walk up to the building and I can feel my hands getting clammy. We enter and find where our seats are and I see my dad talking with my aunt and stiffen slightly.

"Luke nice to see you! How are things?" My dad asks I'm sickened at how nice he sounds right now. "Things are  pretty good." Luke shrugs. " Ashton you decided to show up I see." He says raising an eyebrow his tone dramatically changed. " I came to support Katelyn." I say keeping my tone even. My aunt waves but says nothing. I luckily don't have to sit next to my dad which makes me relax a little. The ceremony is long and I'm falling asleep before they call my sisters name.  She looks really pretty and is beaming as she gets on stage to get her diploma. She looks out into the audience perhaps trying to find us before returning back to her seat.  My dad's clapping so loud I feel like I might lose my hearing.  

Dinner, unfortunately is at our house and I'm freaking out during the drive. " Say you have something to do," Luke says. " I don't know, he's going to make me stay. I  can't go back in that house it's not good for me! My voice rises and I can feel my breathing quicken.  " He doesn't like you right?" Luke asks. 

"Yeah, he  hates my guts." He mumbles. "Then why would he make you stay?"

"Kate will make me stay," I reply looking over at Luke. "It will turn  out okay." He assures me. I take a deep breath. "I'm on his turf he could beat me to a pulp." I  panic.  We park in front of the house and I feel sick as I slowly get out the car and follow Luke up to our front door.  "Ash! Good to see you!"  Katelyn gives me a hug and goes to hug Luke before leading us into the kitchen I see my dad who looks me up and down his hand tightly grasping a beer. Stay calm.  I think to myself. 

 Dinner is awkward as everyone showers my sister from compliments and congratulations while they forget I'm here. I hear a phone ring and look around to see it's Luke's he excuses himself leaving me alone. "So you still with that boy?" My dad barks once Luke is out of ear shot. "Boy?" My aunt raises an eyebrow. " Oh yeah, you don't know.." He smiles but it's more of a grimace. " Why don't you tell us all your big news." He focuses on me.  I wish that I could get up and leave but I'm too afraid to.  My aunt looks at me expectantly, her eyes upset.

 "I do, he's really great." My voice is trembling  My aunt looks disgusted now. 

" You don't like  girls at all?" My aunt asks. I shake my head my eyes drift in the direction Luke went as I pray that he will come back.  Suddenly she gets up whispers something in my dad's ear takes her plate and leaves. "What just happened?"  Katelyn watches her leave confused. " She said she can't be around you." My dad's eyes fall on me. "Why not?"  I can feel myself shaking from fear and anger but try to look calm. Theirs a pause before my dad responds.  "Said your a  sinner." Kate frowns slams her fist on the table. " This was supposed to be my grad dinner but  you messed everything up!" I raise my eyebrows at her outburst of anger. 

"I did nothing! Dad just outed me, just as your friend did! Shouldn't coming out be my decision, not yours?" She rolls her eyes. " Well maybe if you were stright this wouldn't be a problem!" She screams. I bite my lip so I don't say something I'll regret. "Kate you don't mean that right?" I ask my voice breaking slightly. She glares at me before looking at our dad. "I'm leaving."I watch her leave and look around for Luke. I  don't say a word, I can feel myself getting anxious and uncomfortable the longer I sit across from him. 

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