Chapter 47 Court House

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Ashton POV

I wake up early that morning to see three text messages. One from my sister saying that she'll meet us at the courthouse, and the others from Calum and Michael wishing me luck today. I check the date on my phone, January 7th yep today is the day. "You up?" I jump hearing Luke's voice by the door. "Just woke up." The door creaks open as I slide my glasses on. "We have to get their a little early so you can talk to your lawyer, I also have the envelope of evidence on the kitchen table, in case the email didn't go through." I nod blinking slowly. 

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah this won't be too awful right?" Luke looks unsure but nods anyway. "Are you nervous to speak?"

"Yeah, I've never been in a courtroom before."

"Me either but it will be fine and shouldn't take too long."

"Well, I'll let you get dressed, um my moms making breakfast." I nod watching him shut the door. I get out of bed and get dressed. I look at myself in the mirror and undo the top button on my shirt and get my blazer off my desk chair. This has to work or else I'll never have a normal life knowing my dad could find me and beat me up at any time. I get dressed and brush my teeth and get my keys. 

"My mom driving us," Luke announces as I put my keys back on the hook by the door. 

"Ok, I'm ready then?"

"You hungry?"

"Too nervous to eat." I shove my hands in the pockets of my pants. The ride to the courthouse is silent, the only sound I can hear is the radio as I go over what I want to say in my head. I walk into the courthouse and am taken aback at how immaculate it is. The floors are so shiny you could slide across them with your socks on, and the walls are white marble. It reminds me of a palace from a kids book. My eyes wander up to the ceiling that's just as pretty as the rest of the building. I  turn the corner and see my sister sitting at the end of the hall and feel a little bit calmer as I sit on a hard bench with Kate on one side of me and Luke on the other.

"Are you scared?" Kate asks.


"Just be honest and mention everything that's happened, there's no way you won't get a restraining order."I walk into the room my eyes nervously dart to Katelyn as she walks next to me. I sit at the bench next to my lawyer my sister and a best friend sits behind me and all of us have a look of fear on our faces but try to stay as calm as possible.

I look over at my dad on the other side of the courtroom and feel a shiver go down my spine. I also see my aunt and feel my heart thud, why would she be on his side? Was her apology to me just a lie? I go to ask my sister when the court is in session. "So what is the reason for filing the restraining order?" The judge asks. "My dad has been abusive toward me for years, um earlier this year one of those fights escalated and I got a black eye and a broken arm."

"I never touched him." My dad yells turning to glare at me. "He just wants attention, your honor," "So why did you show up at my friend's house a few weeks ago threatening to kill me?" I snap. Katelyn stiffens and so does the judge. "Is that true?" I nod my eyes going to Luke who looks as white as a sheet."I was there um Ashton wasn't present for the conversation." He gulps.

"And what is your name? I can tell how nervous he is and feel kind of bad that he got dragged into this. "Um Luke H- Hemmings." He looks over at me for reassurance but I don't have any as I'm just as nervous.

"When this conversation occurred, where were you?" The judge asks looking at me.

"I was upstairs in my room, I was going to leave the house but I heard him knocking on the door."

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