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The man stood waiting outside the door, listening to his wife's cries of pain.

Finally, the door opened and he walked in to see the woman holding two children. One pale with dark hair, a boy, and one with the same pale skin but dark and platinum blonde hair alternating around the scalp. The second was a girl.

Then he realized what the woman was doing. She had her neck bent down to the boy, gently biting his neck. The man could see the purple slowly spreading from the woman's teeth and cried out.

The woman lifted her mouth and snarled. Then, she started to lower her mouth down to the girl child.

The man ran forward and snatched the two out of her grasp and said "Get out."

The woman obliged and said "The armies will come for them. When they are reunited the armies will come!"

The door closed and the man shivered with his two children in his arms.

He placed the boy down. His pale skin was tinged slightly purple. Then the purple faded and the man breathed a sigh of relief. The boy was not one of them.

The words from the woman struck him. When they were reunited. He had to desperate them immediately.

He grabbed a small waterproof basket and a soft purple blanket. He swaddled the girl baby and placed her in the basket. Then, he took the purple pendant from his neck and placed it around his daughters neck.

With the basket in his arms, he walked out of the house to the river behind it. He slipped a little paper in underneath the child that had her name on it.

Then, he kissed his beautiful child's forehead and whispered "Safe travels, Kiera." And pushed the basket into the current of the river.

He never saw the child again.

Hey, Brother? {a Voltron fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now