Chapter 7

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"Pigeon?" She asked in a small voice, she had stopped walking.

Pidge turned and said "Yeah? What's up?"

"I-I..." she stuttered "I have something to tell you. But you can't tell anyone okay?"

Pidge nodded, concern in her eyes "Sure."

"You remember me telling you and the group about losing my brother right?" She asked.

When Pidge nodded, Kiera said "Well, he's on this ship."

"Really?" She looked a little shocked "Who is it?"

Kiera looked at the floor "I'd rather tell him first. Not that I don't trust you, but I want to tell him first."

"That makes sense." She said "I know what it's like to miss a family member."

Kiera patted Pidge on the shoulder "Thanks, Pigeon. Oh and just so you know, this is about as much physical contact as you're ever going to get. I don't like touching people."

Pidge snorted "Fair enough." They walked out of Green and met up with Shiro and Lance. Then, Kiera saw Keith and Hunk and another girl with dark skin and long silver hair and a man with strawberry blonde hair and light skin. Who the heck were they?

The livid expression on Keith's face brought her out of her thoughts. He snarled at her "We had a deal. You stay here and give us information in exchange for a place to stay. Why would you leave?"

Kiera marched right up to Keith and poked him in the chest "You ever been a thief before, Keith? A lone wolf? Spending all your time alone? Stealing things so you can survive? Barely eating and sleeping even less?"

"I've been alone before." He said.

"And alone is nothing to being alone and starving and freezing and almost dying every few days." She said "I've been out in space for about five years. In the first year, I would've been dead several times over. I could've frozen to death, starved to death, bled to death, been beaten to death but no. I survived." She shoved him backwards "Oh, and I'm showing you my face. How's that for a thief with no family who gives vague answers?" She stormed past him, purposely shoving him with her shoulder as she passed him. She heard Ace clunking along behind her and Simplicity bounced after her.

"Wait, Kiera!" Pidge yelled behind her "You should meet these two."

Kiera turned and maybe had too much hate in her eyes because Pidge flinched a little. Kiera noticed and quickly restrained her anger and quietly said "Sorry, Pigeon." Then she regained her usual fun tone and said "Hi, my names Kiera." To the two people she hadn't met yet.

The woman put her hand out and said "I am Princess Allura. This is my advisor Coran."

Kiera shook her hand. When she pulled away, she sweeped her leg behind her and curtsied to Allura with a little "Your Highness."

Allies giggled "No need for formalities."

"Yes, Your Highness." Kiera said, standing up.

"And, please, just call me Allura." The princess said.

Kiera gained a mocking smile and she said "Of course, Your Highness." Allura lauhed. Kiera said "Now, if you will all excuse me, I'm going to sleep." She marched off towards her room before anyone could follow.

When she heard Ace and Simplicity follow her, she lost the smile and let the anger back into her eyes. Her fists clenched and she walked faster.

She finally arrived at her room and went inside. Simplicity ran to his corner and immediately dozed off. Ace stood in another corner.

"Ace, I need a punching bag." She said.

Are you sure? He sounded sarcastic Maybe beating up an actual person would be a better idea?

Kiera gave him a look and he added Or a punching bag. A punching bag would work.

The object in question popped up from his leg and it sprung up to full height. It was up to Kiera's waist. She quickly grabbed a chain and mount system. Ace boosted her up and she hooked up the punching bag to hang from the ceiling.

She made sure the door was closed and grabbed a thick material from the driving compartment. She wrapped the material around her finger and knuckles, forming a type of protective bandage to prevent her breaking all her fingers.

Then, she attacked. She punched and kicked the punching bag. Sweat dropped down her face and she kept going.

With every hit, she thought of something she didn't like. She found herself smiling about halfway through beating up this inanimate hunk of fabric.

She finally stopped and wrapped her arms around the punching bag. She tightened them then kicked with her legs and the punching bag spun around on its chain, dragging Kiera with it.

Wheeeeeee. Ace said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

Kiera stopped the spinning and said "It's actually quite stress relieving. Not that you'd understand stress." She smirked a little.

Oh obviously not. Ace played along I am just a humble war machine, never experiencing a day of stress in my wonderful life. Oh my, is my hair out of place? Woe is me! He struck a melodramatic pose to the best of his abilities.

Kiera burst out laughing and said "You always now how to make me feel better. How do you do it?"

Ace made jazz hands and said Magic.

Kiera snorted and said "I really have to sleep now. You'll wake me up right?"

Will I? Ace asked You need sleep. I might just let you sleep for as long as your body needs.

"Well then we would be here for a couple days." Kiera said "Its not a question this time; you will  wake me up in an hour."

Eh, we will see. Ace said.

Kiera punched him on the arm "Come on, Ace. What would you do if I wouldn't let you recharge?" Her thoughts were getting sluggish.

Well, my battery would die and I'd power down, leaving you the idiot stranded in space. He said, matter of factly.

"You know what I meant." Kiera mumbled. She sat down hard on the bed and her head swam.

Lie down, Kiera. He spoke softly You really need sleep. Let your body recover.

Kiera collapsed onto her back and felt herself falling farther towards unconsciousness. Or sleep that seemed like unconsciousness. Take your pick.

The last thing she hard was Ace saying I will only wake you if something bad happens. Then he draped a blanket over his sleeping creator.

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