Chapter 32

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When Kiera was walking through the hallways to get back to her room, something struck her. It felt like she had been hit by a truck. Something this obvious couldn't be ignored.

She frantically ran to the control room and burst through the doors. Allura was standing at her place, preparing to get the castle on autopilot.

"Your Highness!" Kiera yelped "I have something important to say!"

Allura turned "What is it, Kiera?"

"The coordinates of the prison. We need to punch them into the ship." She said. Allura nodded and Kiera rattled off the numbers she remembered Sendak had said. A planet was illuminated on the planetary map.

Kiera pointed "There it is." She almost smiled, thinking about how close they were to finding Pidge's family. And, of course, she couldn't wait to see her friends again.

"I don't think I've ever been there before." Allura said "It's very far out into the edges of the known universe. It will take a few days to reach it."

"Couldn't we just wormhole?" Kiera asked.

"Oh, right!" Allura grinned "I almost forgot."

Kiera put up a hand "We should wait a little though, the Paladins need sleep. And so do you. If we are going to rescue Pidge's family, you all need to be on top of your game."

Allura frowned and started to say "I am not tired," when she yawned so hard, it looked like her face might split in half.

Kiera laughed gently and said "Yes, you are. Off to bed with you, Your Highness."

Allura blinked and nodded sleepily before turning and walking out of the room. Kiera watched her go.

When the door closed, Kiera sat down, looking at the planetary map. Thousands of planets and moon were projected around the room in sparkly whites and light blues. It really was beautiful. Then, she remembered the room she had found at the top of the ship. The one made out of windows. She smiled and dashed from the control room.

Kiera slowed her pace and eventually stopped moving all together. She was lost in thought.

The thoughts started out great:
I'm so glad the Paladins are all all right. I wonder how Coran is doing? Allura looked exhausted. I wonder how Keith and Lance will act tomorrow?

Then, they took a dark turn:
Did Sendak recognize the Paladins? He couldn't have, they were all the way across the room... He does have a mechanical eye. No, that's not possible. Right? I mean, the coordinates could be a trap. Or, he could notify the prison we are coming...

Her face paled What if we are being led to a labour camp? What if Matt and Commander Holt aren't there? What if one of those idiotic rebel groups got there first?

Panic rising, Kiera ran in the opposite direction, back to her room. Ace had footage from a lot of different places. He could help.

She burst through the door of her room and yelled "Ace! I need you to pull up the security camera footage of the Galra prison. Fast."

He stood up Alright. A screen popped up from his arm.

Fuzzy footage started playing. Galra guards marched through the prison, patrolling the various cells. Kiera flicked the screen and it changed to a different cameras footage. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She sighed and pushed the screen back into Ace's arm "Nevermind. I got worked up for nothing. Where's Simplicity?"

Up there. Ace pointed at one of the corners of the room He's been up there all day. Can't figure out how to get him down. And, on top of that, he is annoying.

"Sorry about that." Kiera said and used her sword tip to poke Simplicity so he bounced off the ceiling and floated down. She grabbed him and opened the compartment on his stomach. A few flicks of switches and twists of wires and Simplicity fell to the floor with a clatter. He popped angrily and stood up.

Kiera laughed "Sorry about that, Simplicity. I forgot to turn that off until now."

He flipped his little head and strutted back to his corner.

"Oh, are you ignoring me now?" Kiera cooed "Is little doggie bot annoyed with Kiera?" She knew he hated it when she called him doggie bot.

He flopped to the ground and popped long, as if he were whining. Kiera snorted and sat down on her bed. She knew she wouldn't end up sleeping, but at least she could do some thinking. Her head hit the pillow as she lay down, her sword pressing into her back from its sheath.

I hope Matt and Commander Holt are alright. Her mind was whizzing around They probably are, I mean they were both injured so they couldn't fight in the arena. But have the Galra been torturing them because of my escape?

Kiera sat up, panicked I have to get them out. No matter what happens to me. I will die so long as they get out. They don't deserve to be tortured or locked up. I deserve it more than they do.

She scowled I am going to kill Haggar. She tortured me. She has tortured thousands, if not millions of aliens. The universe doesn't deserve this. Innocent worlds and people are being destroyed.

She stood in her room and started pacing And on top of all this, Pidge. She needs to see her father and brother again. If a rebel group has broken into the prison already and taken them, I will hunt them down. Maybe kill someone if I'm feeling up to it.

Another thought struck her What if they separated Matt and the Commander? They certainly are horrible enough to do that.

Kiera growled and barged from the room, slamming the door. She marched down the hallway to the training deck. The large empty room illuminated as she entered.

Before the pleasant voice could say anything, Kiera barked "Commence training level four."

A robot dropped from the ceiling and Kiera drew her sword. She charged the robot and hacked at it with her weapon. The robot blocked easily and kicked her in the chest. She slid backwards and grunted.

Charging the robot again, she raised her sword. The robot ran to meet her and their swords clanged together. They struggled against each other, the robot slowly gaining and pushing Kiera back.

With a defiant yell, Kiera swiped her sword away and the robot stumbled forward. This gave Kiera the perfect opportunity to stab it in the stomach. The robot dissolved. Kiera's face was slick with sweat.

"Commence training level five." Another robot fell from the ceiling, wielding a staff. It stalked slowly towards her.

She yelled and charged, raising her sword. Stress caused her to have no emotions and to rely completely on bloodthirsty impulse.

The robot brought its staff up right is Kiera brought her sword down. The two weapons clanged together. The robot took advantage of Kiera having her hands above her head and kicked her in the stomach. She toppled backwards and rolled over herself, landing on her stomach. The breath was completely knocked out of her and she coughed painfully.

The robot came in for the kill.

It brought its staff down and Kiera rolled out of the way. The staff missed her head by about a hairs width. She pulled herself to standing and raised her sword in defence, eyes blazing.

The robot ran at her and she sidestepped. Her sword caught it in the chest and it spun. The robot stumbled, flailing its arms a little.

Kiera simply stepped in and sliced its head clean off its shoulders.

Kiera kept fighting on pure impulse, making it all the way to level seven. Her body was shaking a little from over exertion and sweat ran down her face and neck.

She was about to say "Commence training level eight." when someone walked up behind her, clamped a hand over her mouth and kicked her legs out from under her.

Kiera fell to the floor, whoever it was on top of her, pinning her down with their body weight.

An almost seductive voice whispered in her ear "Ah, my precious kitten, what fun we will have together."

Something hard and cold slammed into the back of her head and the world collapsed around her.

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