Chapter 37

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Kiera was in her room, packing her things into Ace. The ship was getting ready to wormhole. The plan was to find Matt and Commander Holt's cell and bust them out. Then leave as quickly and quietly as possible.

Kiera would be leaving soon after.

Her plan was once they got the Holts back to the ship, Kiera would say hello and goodbye and then leave. She didn't want to make a huge scene about it. She didn't like goodbyes.

Allura spoke over the loudspeaker "Preparing for wormhole jump. Brace yourselves."

Kiera didn't brace herself fast enough and added to her score of falling over when they wormholed . The ship shook and she felt the g force of moving at the speed of light push her back. She fell onto her hip and caught herself with her hands. No head injuries this time. Then the shaking stopped and the castle went back to normal speed.

"Alright, Ace." Kiera sighed "Lets get you to the control room."

I really don't see why I have to go with you. He complained I would feel stupid and my steps would be noisy.

"We have been over this. If Matt or the Commander are injured and can't walk, we put them in you. Then you walk them to the lions. We load them onto a lion and we all fly away." Kiera rubbed her temples, regretting adding sass to his programming for the bejillionth time. She grabbed one of his arms and pulled. He didn't go anywhere, he was much too heavy, but he got the point.

Ace and Kiera marched through the hallways to the control room. Since earlier that day, Allura had given Kiera a new catsuit. This one was also white but it had mesh cutouts at the side of the waist and in a wavy pattern going down in a diagonal on her thighs. The mesh was thin enough to see through but thick enough to lock in oxygen. She had also scrounged through the depths of Ace's storage compartments and found an extra galaxy mask. She had kind of missed having it on. It was almost the same pattern as the old one and had pure black eye holes in the shape of cat eyes. This one was not even really a mask. More of a helmet.

Kiera had also found an old pair of purple gloves she had once used. They were thin, durable fabric and went up to just below her elbows. And, luckily, they fit snugly and didn't slip.

At her hips were two holsters. Each had a blaster loaded fully. She had her classic wrist knives but were on the outside of her gloves, keeping the gloves in place. Kiera didn't really have room to carry another sword in Ace's storage so, she simply had a new cloak. This one was black.

She pulled the hood over her mask, testing the length. It almost covered her eyes, casting a shadow over her face. That mixed with the galaxy pattern and black cat eye holes and no one could recognize her.

Her gloved fingers pulled the hood back as she entered the control room. All the Paladins were in their armour and each had their bayards.

Keith noticed her enter and walked over to her "Well, nice to see you more or less back to normal."

"Kind of feels reassuring." Kiera said and took off her helmet, examining it "Before I met all of you guys, I accomplished most anything I wanted. This mask makes me feel pretty much invincible. Although, I guess it's all psychological."

"Well, you look badass, little sister. At least you have that going for you." He ruffled her hair.

"Hey!" Kiera swatted his hand away "We are twins idiot."

Keith smiled "But you're shorter than me. That makes you my little sister."

Kiera crossed her arms and huffed "I'm not that much shorter." He laughed at her.

"Alright, enough bickering, you two." Shiro said "I wonder if you two will get as bad as Keith and Lance."

"Oh, probably not." Kiera said and winked at her brother "I'd rather spend my time training. I don't speak for him though, so..." she waved her hands in a shrug and trailed off.

He lightly smacked the arm closest to him down "Oh, stop it."

She crossed her arms "Fine."

"I never had any siblings." Allura said "If this is what all siblings are like, I'm not sure I want any." Kiera laughed.

Hunk smiled "I'd love a big family! Well, I guess I have one. I mean, you guys are pretty close to family."

"No kidding." Lance grinned "We are, like, the best space family ever."

Kiera put a hand in the air "Shiro is obviously Space Dad."

Shiro crossed his arms "Really?"

"I call annoying little sister." Pidge yelled. Kiera laughed.

Coran slid over "I'm Space Uncle."

"Still trying for that nickname?" Kiera snorted "You can be Space Uncle but I'm not calling you that. How about..."

He cut her off "Back in Altea, they called me the Coranic because it sounds like mechanic."

"I'm all for new and original." Kiera said "I'll think about it."

"Attention everyone, we are nearing the prison." Allura said. The tone in the room immediately changed from fun to serious in about half a second. Allura continued "Once there, you all get in your lions. Keith, Shiro, Lance and Hunk go in the red lion. Kiera and Ace go with Pidge in the Green lion."

Ugh. Ten thousand year old technology. Ace pretended to be annoyed That is so behind the trend. He flicked his head as if he had hair. Kiera burst out laughing. The rest of the crew just kind of stared at her.

She finally got a hold of herself and she said "Oh, sorry. Ace was saying that Green is super behind trend. You know, being ten thousand years old. No offence, Pidge."

Ace scoffed Full offence. Ugh, I'm so done with this crew. Kiera snickered again.

"What is a trend?" Allura asked. Kiera waved away the question.

Allura shook her head "Anyway-" and explained the rest of the plan. Kiera knelt at Ace's side and fiddled with some wires in his leg. This particular joint sometimes had trouble moving properly. They couldn't risk having any major malfunctions.

Once Allura had finished explaining the plan, all the Paladins rushed off to the lions they had been assigned to. The red and green lions were the smallest and fastest, so they would be going in them.

Kiera set Ace up against on of the walls of the Green lion "Try not to insult Green when we are literally in her, alright?"

I was joking. Ace said.

Kiera rolled her eyes and fastened him to the wall "I know. Green might be able to understand you though. She may not understand sarcasm, so keep the rude comments to a minimum." Ace agreed and Kiera went to stand behind Pidge's pilot chair.

"Alright," Kiera said and placed a hand on Pidge's shoulder, smiling down at the seated Paladin "Let's go get your family back."

Pidge smiled sheepishly up at her and edges Green to take off.

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