Chapter 29

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Whirling dresses and bright colours were splashed around the ballroom as the Calamitians danced. All of them were dressed in jewel tones and bright colours.

Kiera stood at the side of the room after her dance with her brother. She was with the rest of the Paladins. Well, except for Shiro and Allura who were completely lost in each other's eyes while dancing. Kiera giggled a little at how clearly they liked each other. Shiro was so oblivious it was almost sad.

"Lady Nebula." Pidge brought her out of her glazed-over stare.

Kiera turned to her "Yes, Lady Emerald?" Their names all corresponded to the Paladins colours. Kiera's reminded her of her galaxy mask.

"Wouldn't it be a wonderful time for some punch?" Pidge asked "If you could go get some for me, it would be greatly appreciated."

Kiera nodded, that was their signal for Kiera to talk to Sendak. She smiled and said "Of course. I will be right back."

She turned, heart beating faster, and walked toward Sendak. He was at the opposite of the room and Kiera had to look as insignificant as possible while she edged around the room. She smiled and tried to look like she was supposed to be there.

Sendak's purple ears were dropping a little. He seemed very bored.

Kiera picked up a glass of punch from a floating serving tray and took a small sip. She forced down the urge to wrinkle her nose as the taste of sour apples and vinegar filled her mouth. She swallowed hard and felt a shiver of disgust travel down her spine.

She moved slowly closer to Sendak. As she did, she felt more and more nervous. Her face betrayed none of this. Being a thief for years had its benefits.

Finally, she was right near Sendak. She could hear his quiet complaints.

"Why are we still here?" He was whispering "This was supposed to be a quick signing of the peace treaty and then we leave. I have important business."

Kiera stood slightly beyond his guards and positioned herself so Sendak could see her. She fixed her eyes on the dancing and tried to look as bored as possible.

She pretended to mumble under her breath "Dinner party's. So overdone."

Sendak took notice of her and peered at her. Her long mismatched hair braided on her head. Her pale skin. Her purple eyes and purple gown that hugged her figure and sparkled like stars. A look came over his face that Kiera had seen before. She sighed internally.

The Commander swept from his guards and sidled up to Kiera "Greetings. I am Commander Sendak, of the Galra Empire. And you are?"

She mentally screamed In dire need of escaping this room!

Instead she said "My name is Lady Nebula. Pleasure to meet you, Commander." She gave him a little curtsy.

"You don't appear to be Calamitian." Sendak said.

Kiera nodded and fixed her eyes on his face "Indeed I'm not."

Sendak leered lightly at her "And I don't suppose you will tell me where you are from?"

"Unfortunately I can't. I don't know myself." Kiera was making it up as she went "I've never been this unentertained at a dinner party before. Have you, Commander?"

Sendak scowled a little "No, I have not. I have never been to a formal dinner party like this."

Kiera turned her eyes back to the dancing "The Calamitians seem to be a peaceful people. I wonder how they would react to being in a prison?"

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