Chapter 28

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The pod flew above the planet's surface. Kiera's mind was racing. All the nerves and anxieties she had been feeling before entering the pod were multiplied by a hundred.

Her knuckles were turning white on the arm rests of the seat. Her breaths were short and fast. She hoped they were quiet.

To distract herself, she looked at her dress. The purple colour reminded her of her galaxy patterned mask she had lost before going to the Galra prison. She kind of missed her mask.

"Kiera, you okay?" Pidge asked. She sounded concerned.

Kiera nodded slightly frantically "Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I be? I mean it's not like we are going to a dinner party filled with Galra that could figure out who you all are and capture you right?"

"Kiera, we're going to be fine." Lance said, for once deadly serious "If anything happens, we can escape. And besides, if you're nervous about Sendak and being captured again, don't worry about it. If you're captured we will just save you."

Kiera breathed in slowly "Thanks."

Lance cocked a grin "Course, your girlfriend here will probably lead a full frontal assault on the Galra if anything happens to you."

Kiera's face went red "I don't have a girlfriend."

Lance laughed and gestured with his head toward Pidge. Her face was red. Kiera buried her face in her hands, face burning. She groaned. Lance laughed at her embarrassment.

The truth was, she really liked Pidge. She wasn't sure of how much, but she was sure that she wanted to be Pidge's friend. And, of course, there was no way Pidge felt the same way, even if Kiera felt that way. She was reminded of her brothers crush. Then she remembered her brothers crush was sitting next to her...

Kiera felt an evil grin spread on her face. She lifted her head and said "Hey, Lance?"

"Yeah?" He said, keeping his eyes forward.

"Do you like anybody?" She asked trying to sound innocent.

Lance flinched a little and his cheeks grew pink "Uh, no."

"Really?" Kiera put her chin on her fist "Are you sure?"

"Y-yes! Very sure!" He yelled. He was blushing now.

Kiera smirked and said "Well, I know someone who has a crush on you." She poked him in the chest.

"Really?" He asked "Who?"

Kiera just looked at him, smirking "I'm not telling you. That's their job."

Lance froze "Wait, they?"

"I'm not even telling you whether they're a girl or a boy." Kiera said.

"So it could be a b-boy?" His face was bright red. Pidge was snickering in the backseat.

Kiera looked back at her and said "Revenge is sweet isn't it?"

"Does someone actually like him?" Pidge asked. Kiera gave her a look that said I think you know who it is. Pidge's eyes widened as she said "Really? Oh my gosh that's hilarious!"

"Wait! How do you know?" Demanded Lance.

"Because we are girls and know how to communicate with our eyes." Kiera said.

Lance banged his head against the controller.

They finally landed with the others and walked toward the castle together. Shiro walked with Allura, Pidge walked with Lance and Hunk, she was still snickering about how crazed Lance had been back in the pod. Kiera walked to the castle with her brother.

She leaned into his ear and whispered "I hinted to Lance about your crush. I didn't say who you were."

He looked at her, mildly horrified "Why'd you do that?"

"I want to confirm if he returns your feelings." She smirked a little "And, from my research, he most likely does."

Keith turned a shade of pink "A-are you sure?"

Kiera smiled and nodded "Yes."

"What do I do?" He whispered "How can I be sure? I don't want to lose a friendship because I get rejected because my twin sister thinks that the guy I like likes me back."

"You won't lose a friendship, Keith. Because he returns your feelings!" She said "Trust me."

He breathed out slowly "Ok. I trust you."

The twins walked to the castle in silence. Kiera hoped the others remembered their fake names. She'd told them just before they'd left.

The group came close to the doors and saw streams of fancily dressed Calamitians talking and laughing on their way to the dinner party. Kiera smiled as she watched the happy people walk freely into the castle. This planet was so peaceful.

A glint of black caught her eye. Galra soldiers with blasters were loosely spread through the crowd. Two stood at the entrance to the castle. They had taken advantage of the peaceful people. Kiera scowled as she realized that if anything the Galra didn't like happened, it would be a massacre. Calamitians would be killed and maybe there would be a slim chance they'd simply be jailed. Either way, this wasn't going to end well.

The others noticed the Galra soldiers too. She felt the mood stiffen slightly.

Kiera felt her heart race in her chest as their group walked through the entrance, passed the Galra guards. She let out a quiet sigh of relief upon not being shot and killed as soon as they had entered.

Once all the people were in the ballroom, a regal looking Calamitian in royal blue stood atop a raised platform with Commander Sendak and a mix of Calamity guards and Galra soldiers.

The leader gave a speech and shook hands with Commander Sendak, who looked incredibly bored.

A paper was brought forth by a Calamitian maid in dark forest green and it was placed on a stone table. The table was made of a very pale blue stone with streaks of pale red. It was quite beautiful.

The Calamity leader picked up a dark red feather pen and handed it to Sendak. He pointed at where Sendak should sign. Sendak reluctantly did so, almost as if he had wanted something to go wrong. He handed the pen back to the leader, who signed the paper.

The Calamitian crowd cheered and the band struck up a song. It was a lively tune of celebration and happiness. Kiera felt a small smile grace her lips.

Keith nudged her and bowed a little, offering his hand "Lady Nebula, my dear sister, may I have this dance?"

Kiera giggled at his formality and her strange fake name "Why, of course, Lord Ruby, honoured brother."

With that, her twin brother lead her to the dance floor and the twins danced together in the crowd of pure white people who were completely unaware of their disadvantage.

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