Chapter 27

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The group of well dressed warriors walked down the hall to the training deck. Kiera wanted to practice the dances one more time. And, they had some time to kill so why not?

She paired Allura with Shiro, much to the princess's delight and Pidge tried dancing with Keith. Kiera danced with Hunk. Lance was on his own.

Allura somehow managed to float around the room in her long dress and not trip once. Pidge tripped a few times but eventually got the hang of it. Kiera had done this before so she only tripped once.

As she whirled, she worried about what was to come. How close could she get to Sendak? Would he dance with her? Would any other thieves be there to recognize her? She shivered and tried not to think about what would happen if the Galra discovered one of their biggest thieves at the dinner party.

She'd probably be jailed again and tortured more. Most likely more mental torture. They'd try to break her, and when they did, they would either kill her or make her a weapon for their empire. She mentally slapped herself.

Stop it, Kiera! She thought at herself Didn't you just think you had to not think about this?

Sometimes, Kiera had trouble listening to her own head. Oh well, her instincts took over all the time. Her common sense must be used to it by now. Well, she hoped it was. One could never really tell how ones common sense feels.

Since she was distracted, she tripped and fell face first into Hunks chest. She groaned "Mmph." And lifted her head "Sorry Hunk."

"It's okay." He grinned "You looked distracted."

She nodded sheepishly "I was thinking about the dinner party."

"Ah. Well, I was thinking about the food." Hunk said "You'll do fine. We will all do fine."

"Thanks Hunk." She grinned.

They danced for a little while and all eventually stopped. Kiera was so worried about the dinner party. She really hoped it didn't show on her face. She also hoped that Simplicity wasn't bouncing off the walls (literally) and that Ace wasn't too low on charge. There was always so much to worry about.

The group walked through the walls, everyone talking but Kiera. She was walking behind them and absentmindedly brushing her dress off.

Her thoughts were rampaging around her head: how is this going to work? Do I have to dance with Sendak? How do I ask him for the coordinates? What happens if he becomes suspicious? Who else will be there? How will Shiro react to seeing Sendak again? How will all of them react? How long until someone loses their cool? Won't we have to have fake names or something? Allura will be recognized if she says her real name. Hmm...

She looked up and realized she had stopped walking. Everyone was stopped in front of her, looking at her.

"Kiera?" Shiro asked "Are you okay?"

Kiera fixed her face into a confident smile "Of course!" and kept walking forward. The others looked skeptical but kept walking. She stayed behind them, with her thoughts.

Then, Keith was beside her "Kiera, I know you said you're fine, but you seem nervous out of your mind. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I-I..." she started and hesitated. She didn't want to start talking for fear of spilling everything. So she said "I am nervous. I just want to know how this is going to work."

Keith put a hand on her shoulder as they walked "Okay. Talk to me if you need me. We are twins. We can trust each other. You taught me we can."

"Thanks, Keith." She said, smiling a little "사랑해." Love you.

He smiled and repeated the phrase "사랑해." Love you. Then he walked ahead and started talking to Lance. He seemed to really really like the guy.

Kiera watched her brother and his crush talk as they walked. She knew how her brother felt, but how did Lance feel? She narrowed her eyes and watched him carefully. His blue eyes were focused on Keith and his body was turned slightly towards him, as if welcoming him. He gestured with his hands every once in a while and smiled quite a bit.

Keith said something and Lance laughed, but not before Kiera caught the tiniest bit of blush on his cheeks. She smiled to herself. She was fairly certain he felt the same way.

They all made it to the control room and Coran turned to meet them. He smiled almost sadly when he saw Allura in her dress, smiling and laughing. He must've known her most of her life.

"Well, everyone." He said "You all should get into those pods before the party starts. Tardiness is not an admirable trait."

Shiro nodded "Thanks, Coran. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

Coran scoffed "I try to avoid diplomacy as much as possible. And besides, if you need to make a quick escape or need me to come in, cannons blazing, I'll be ready." He grinned.

"Thank you Coran. But I'm certain we won't need you to come in cannons blazing." Allura smiled.

Coran made a shooing gesture "Now, off to your pods! You have a dinner party to attend and coordinates to get!"

They said goodbye and left the room. Everyone seemed a little bit nervous now. Even Shiro.

Kiera was still walking at the back, thinking when she felt a small hand slip into hers. She looked up to see Pidge smiling shyly.

"I can tell you're worried." She whispered "You're not alone, you know. We will all be there. If you need us, you can get us."

Kiera squeezed her hand gratefully, pink rising in her cheeks "Thanks, Pigeon."

Pidge squeezed back and they walked hand in hand to the pods. When they arrived, they let go and stood with the others.

Shiro was saying "Kiera and Pidge go with Lance, Allura can ride with me and Hunk and Keith will ride together. Now, everybody get to your pods."

They all split to their pods and gingerly climbed in, afraid of crinkling their formalwear. Kiera sat down in the passenger seat while Lance sat in the driver seat and Pidge sat in the back. It was a small pod but it fit them nicely.

Lance gripped the control stick and Kiera said "I'm not sure I trust you as a pilot."

"What? Why not?" Lance demanded "I'm a great pilot!"

Pidge snorted "Um, yeah, no. You crashed all the simulators back at the Garrison. All of them, Lance."

"This isn't a simulator, Pidge." He said "We will be fine."

"Great." Kiera said sarcastically "I feel better already." Pidge laughed as the pod door closed and they took off, towards the planet.

Towards Calamity, the dinner party, Sendak and the information about where the prison is. Towards success and a joyful party or towards a bloodbath. Take your pick.

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