Chapter 45

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"Oh, welcome back, Kiera." A voice said. The persons arms held her upright.

Kiera's voice was weak "Sorry, but who am I talking to? I'm not being rude, just, my brain hurts."

"Ah," the voice said "It's Shiro."

"How is it that I always end up talking to you when I'm not looking at you?" Kiera asked.

She heard the smile in Shiro's voice "I don't know."

"Shiro I'm ba- Kiera!" A voice yelped and suddenly, Kiera was in someone else's arms.

Her brother squeezed her gently then pulled her back and looked at her face "How's your nose? How're you feeling?"

Kiera turned her head to look at Shiro "Was he ever this brotherly before I got here?"

"Never. Hardly touched anyone or showed any affections at all." Shiro said.

Kiera smirked and turned back to Keith "I'm fine, Terminator. No need to worry." She planted her feet and stood on her own.

"Shiro, I know what you mean when you said you hated her nickname for you." Keith rubbed his face "Terminator. It's horrible."

"Ah, get over it." Kiera ruffled his hair "I'm not going to stop calling you it."

Keith groaned and she laughed.

"We should probably let the others know that you're fine." Shiro said and peered at her face "You've got dried blood all over your face."

Kiera wiped her bare hand across her face under her nose. When she pulled it away, it had drying blood on it "Oh, that's gross."

Keith said "And that cryopod suit is pretty much done for. There's so much blood, we will have to burn it."

Kiera looked down and groaned "It looks like I was brutally murdered. Who knew noses had that much blood in them?"

"Well, noses never really stop bleeding for a long time." Shiro shrugged "Let's get you another new catsuit. You ruined the last one."

"Heh, sorry about that." Kiera scratched the back of her neck and followed the two men out of the room.

This time, when she entered the control room, she had a deep blue catsuit on and a black cloak. She didn't have her knives or sword, just her two blasters on her legs. Her hair was down and her face was cleaner.

"Guess who's healthy?" Kiera said as she entered and spread her arms "Moi."

"Oh, hello Kiera. What is 'moi'?" Allura asked.

"French." Kiera said.

Allura cocked her head to the side "What is French?"

Kiera sighed "It's a language on Earth and- oof!" Pidge had tackled her again. Kiera was flat on her back on the floor.

"Again, Pigeon?" Kiera pressed her hands to her face "Is that how you greet people?"

Pidge climbed off her "Not really. Mostly just you." She helped Kiera stand.

"It's a good thing your nose isn't bleeding anymore." Hunk said "That was messy."

"Heh, yeah." Kiera said.

"Are you sure you don't want me to straighten your nose out, Kiera?" Coran asked "It would fix your face."

Kiera snorted "I want a crooked nose. And besides, I don't want to leave more blood all over the floors."

Lance patted her on the back. Kiera grabbed his arm, judo flipped him and punched him in the stomach before she could stop herself. He landed with a thud and an "oof."

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