Chapter 41

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They finally arrived back in the hangar of the Green lion in the castle. Kiera gently woke Commander Holt and lifted him onto his feet. He walked gingerly, as if it hurt to walk.

"Do you think you can walk on your own?" Kiera asked "Or should I carry you?"

The Commander laughed dryly "I'm still a little shocked you can carry me so easily."

"You are pretty frail, sir." She said.

"That, I am." He nodded "I will try to walk, but if I can't, you are allowed to carry me like a sack of potatoes."

Kiera snorted "Alright." She let him lean on her and together, they walked out of the Green lion to meet up with the Paladins.

Pidge met them first and helped Kiera help her father walk down the ramp. They walked down into the main hangar.

Then, Kiera saw something she wished she hadn't.

Simplicity was sitting in the hangar, popping angrily.

Kiera frantically turned to Pidge and said "Can you manage? I think I'm about to be flying tackled by a small, doglike robot."

Pidge laughed and said "Yeah." Kiera removed the Commander's arm from her shoulders and tossed her helmet to the floor.

She opened her arms wide and said "Go ahead, Simplicity. I know you want to kill me."

Simplicity popped savagely (is that possible?) and leaped into Kiera, effectively sending her flying back a few feet onto her back. She landed with a thud and simply lay there, like dead meat.

The little dog robot was running around, all over Kiera's body and popping. He sounded like he was lecturing her about something.

The next time he was on her chest, she grabbed his little body and immobilized him in the air. She opened a small hatch and punched in the code to make him float without gravity into his circuits and closed the hatch.

She stood and drop kicked him upwards. He floated up and up and up, eventually bouncing off the ceiling and began floating back down.

Kiera laughed "You probably hate me even more now."

Simplicity popped loudly in agreement and he bounced off the floor. Kiera caught him and pushed him in the direction of the Holts. He flailed his little legs helplessly.

Kiera walked at the same pace as he floated "I don't really want to know how boring life would be without you, Simplicity." He popped at her, clearly annoyed.

Commander Holt was examining Simplicity closely "That's incredible. How did you manage to make him float like the gravity was turned off in this room?"

"Took me months to get it right." Kiera admitted "Several times, when I tried a code, his circuits would spark. Sometimes, they would even explode and I'd have to rebuild that leg. But, eventually, it worked out."

The Commaner grinned slyly at Pidge "You picked a good one, Katie."

Both girls turned beet red and Pidge squeaked "What?" Kiera put her face in her hands.

A voice interrupted them and said "There you all are!"

Shiro dashed into the room and pulled Commander Holt into a hug. On the bright side, both men seemed extremely happy to see the other. On the dark side, Pidge was being crushed between the two.

"Um, guys?" Her voice was muffled "A little help?"

Shiro smiled "Sorry, Pidge."

She wiggled from between them and stood to the side. Then, she seemed to change her mind and joined the hug, this time not being crushed in the middle.

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