Chapter 44

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Their fight had been longer than they had thought and when the two girls got back to the cryopod room, the whole crew was waiting for them. Kiera's nose was still bleeding. There was blood all down the front of her catsuit. She had started to feel a wee bit light headed.

"Hey guys." She said as she entered.

"Oh, hey Kier- holy shit! What happened to your face?!?" Lance screamed and jumped back about a foot.

Kiera laughed and said "Oh, nothing much. Just your youngest Paladin totally kicking my ass in a fight. Personally, I think I could've won. I was letting her win."

Pidge punched her in the shoulder "Yeah, right! I totally beat you."

"That you did." Kiera punched her back. Her hand was bloody from wiping her nose and it left a scary looking blood streak "Oops."

Coran peered at her nose "I think I should look at that. That much blood loss can't be good." He handed her a towel that Kiera had no idea where he got it from.

"Thanks." Kiera said and pressed the towel to her face. Immediately, pain ricocheted up her skull from her nose and she sank into a crouch "Ow! Damnit, Pigeon, I think it's broken!"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." Pidge sounded genuinely worried.

Kiera waved a hand at her "Don't be. We were fighting and it wouldn't exactly be the first break my nose has experienced."

Keith cocked his head to the side "How many times have you broken your nose?"

"Well, enough times for me to have a hard time smelling anything." Kiera said "So, probably at least four times. Plus this one. That makes five."

"How is your nose not a zigzag then?" Lance asked.

"The other times, I just punched it back into place. More blood. It was really a messy business." Kiera said "I don't think I'll fix this one though. I think it's worse than any of the others."

Pidge put a hand on Kiera's shoulder "I'm so so so sorry."

Kiera laughed "If its worse than all the other times, then that means you punched me harder than any thief or bounty hunter or anybody ever has. In the face anyway. But yeah, congratulations, blah blah blah, you pack a pretty damn hard punch, Pigeon. That was a lot of P's in that sentence." She stood from her crouch and lowered the towel from her face.

It looked like she had murdered someone on it.

"And I made blood art." Kiera mumbled and pressed the towel back to her face "Hooray."

"So how'd you guys do with collecting supplies?" Pidge asked and sat on the floor.

The group rambled about the people they'd found and all the weird plants and animals. Coran came over and examined Kiera's nose.

He nodded "Yeah, it's broken real good. I can set it for you, if you want."

Kiera shook her head "I'll just leave it. Too much blood all over the nice white floors and I kind of like the idea of having an extremely crooked nose."

"I don't see the appeal. Seems a little strange." Coran huffed "I should get you another towel."

"That would be great. Thank you so much." Kiera glanced down at the towel she had against her face. Not exactly a pretty sight.

Coran left the room in search of more towels and Kiera sat down on the floor next to Pidge. She tipped her head back and went to pinch the bridge of her nose. When she did, a bolt of pain erupted in her nose and went away just as quickly.

"Ow!" Kiera yelled and punched he floor "Damnit that hurts. I keep forgetting not to touch it."

"Sorry." Pidge said again.

Kiera grabbed Pidge's chin with one hand and said "Stop apologizing. When this doesn't hurt, it'll all be fine."

"Shouldn't you straighten it out?" Shiro asked.

"Eh, probably." Kiera shrugged "I kind of earned a crooked nose, though, don't you think?"

Allura wrinkled her nose "I don't really see the appeal."

"You Alteans and your straight noses." Kiera threw a hand up in the air "What is with that?"

Allura blinked "What?"

"Coran literally said the exact same thing. Almost word for word." Kiera said and brought the towel away from her face. Her nose dripped a little.

Keith stood behind her and looked at the towel "Oh, that's gross."

"And that all came out of my nose." Kiera said and almost laughed. Her head went fuzzy for a second and she quickly steadied herself by slamming hand on the floor. Her eyes were wide and unfocused. The arm holding the towel slowly sank to the floor.

Pidge grabbed her arm "Kiera. Kiera are you okay?"

"Yeah." Kiera said softly "Yeah I'm fine." and promptly collapsed forward.

When she came to, only a few minutes later, she found herself being shaken by Hunk with Pidge yelling her name and Coran yelling at them not to shake her while trying to put a towel to her nose. She was lying on her back on the ground.

Kiera's voice was weak "Guys. Guys calm down." She tried to sit up and her vision turned green "I'm fi- oh I don't feel so good." She quickly lay back down

"Hunk, stop shaking her." Coran said "Kiera, you've lost a lot of blood. You need to rest."

"Yeah, rest." Kiera's pupils were dilated and her head was fuzzy "That sounds pretty good."

"Maybe we should put her in a cryopod?" Suggested Hunk "It would probably be faster."

"That's a good idea, Hunk." Shiro patted him on the shoulder "Let's get her into a cryopod as soon as we can."

Kiera sneezed and a spray of blood came from her nose "Ah, jeez. I think I'm gonna-" The world went black and she collapsed into Hunks arms. Her body was completely limp. The flow of blood had slightly lessened from her nose.

The next thing Kiera knew, she was stumbling out of a cryopod, into the warm arms of someone her foggy mind didn't recognize.

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