Chapter 21

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After the dance lesson, they all went and had dinner. They were all tired and the crew went to bed pretty quickly. As usual, Kiera didn't go to sleep. Instead, she played with Simplicity to make up for lost time. She even added a random feature into Simplicity's programming that she had been wanting to try. It made Simplicity able to float as if there was no gravity.

Simplicity popped, confused, as he bounced slowly off a wall. Kiera laughed quietly. He was a goof.

It came time for breakfast and then lunch then dance class at Kiera's School for Ill Mannered Paladins.

"Today, we are going to practice another waltz step." Kiera said "Its simple but takes some practice to get the hand of. It's like a twirl." She demonstrated with Lance "Now everybody try it."

She made her usual rounds, helping Hunk ("You are the leader, Hunk! Lead!") Keith ("No, stop with the angry stepping! How do you even manage to step angrily?") Shiro ("I told you yesterday, you're not bulky.") Allura ("Maybe give Space Dad a break from your laughter, Your Highness?") and finally, Pidge ("You can dance, Pigeon, just stop thinking about it.")

Pidge grumbled "I could only dance yesterday because you were leading. I can't dance with anyone else."

"Sure you can." Kiera said "Pretend Lance is me. Lance, do your best impression of me."

Lance bent his knees so he was her height and spoke in a higher voice "Hi I'm Kiera, I'm so awesome and I'm gonna beat someone up after this!" Pidge burst out laughing.

"I do not sound like that." Kiera said, trying to hold in her laughter "And since when do I beat people up in my spare time?"

Lance straightened up "You don't. I just assumed."

"Well you assumed wrong." Kiera huffed playfully.

Pidge recovered from her fit of laughter "I still can't dance with him. Especially after that."

"Can you at least try?" Kiera begged. Pidge shook her head and Kiera threw up her arms and said "Fine, dance with me. Lance, go dance with Keith or Hunk."

"Kicking me out again?" Lance fake sighed "What did I do to deserve this?" He walked away.

Kiera looked at Pidge "Pigeon, is there any other reason why you don't want to dance with anyone but me?"

"No, of course not." Pidge's answer came too quickly.

"Pigeon," Kiera said "I can't help you if you don't tell me."

Pidge put her face in her hands "Yes there's a reason why I won't dance with anyone but you. It's because I..." she trailed off.

Kiera paused "You..."

"Nevermind, it's not important." Pidge said. Kiera could tell she didn't want to talk so she didn't force her.

"Why don't we try the step I demonstrated?" Kiera suggested, changing the subject "After dancing with you yesterday, I realized that we have the perfect height difference for this sort of thing."

Pidge snorted "Being short isn't always a good thing."

"You're not the only short one." Kiera shrugged and pulled Pidge into a slow waltz "Just relax. You can do this."

Pidge followed and Kiera tried the twirl thing with her. It worked relatively well. Pidge was a little disoriented after but she quickly regained her footing.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Kiera smiled at Pidge "You can dance, just not with Lance." The others had started to leave to go eat.

Pidge smiled shyly and looked down "Thanks, Kiera."

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