Chapter 12

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The missile hit them head on and exploded with a fiery boom. Pidge screamed under Kiera. The lion spun out of control.

Kiera was so close to Pidge that she could hear the other Paladins yelling over the headset.

Then, the lion shuddered and started moving smoothly in one direction. Kiera climbed off Pidge and looked outside. They were in a tractor beam. The supply ship in front of them was gone.

"It was a trap!" Screamed Kiera, fury blazing in her eyes. She turned to Pidge and saw how shaken the girl was.

Kiera gripped Pidge's arms "Pigeon, look at me. We are in a tractor beam. The Galra almost have us. Is there anything your lion can do to get us out of here?"

Pidge looked up at her with scared eyes "We are too close to the ship. If we blow it up, we will blow up."

"Then we let them capture us." Kiera said "Then we kick their asses and escape."

Pidge nodded. They walked down to the lions mouth and stood waiting for the Galra. Pidge explained what was going on to the others through her headset. From the shouting on the other end, Kiera could tell that they didn't like the plan.

They felt the lion lower onto a platform. The mouth was opened. Kiera walked forward with her arms raised in surrender and Pidge followed suit

There were five or six lines of Galra drones and a few actual soldiers. All sixty something of them had blasters. Kiera realized that they wouldn't get out of there without someone getting injured.

The hangar doors closed and silence fell upon the room.

Then, Pidge brought out her handle thing (Kiera found out later that they were called Bayards) and it turned into her grappling hook contraption. Kiera unstrapped her sword and pulled her blasted from her leg.

She smiled maliciously "This should be fun." She launched herself forward and sliced at the robots. They went down easily. Fighting double weaponed wasn't easy but Kiera often called herself a space pirate. Pirates tended to dual wield.

The soldiers went down and Kiera made the mistake of looking over at Pidge. She seemed to be holding her own, using her bayard to slice, electrocute and stab the robots. Her grappling hook swung around and knocked the soldiers off their feet.

Kiera started to smile. Then, a freezing cold sensation spread in her gut. Her breath hitched and she looked down in confusion. A knife was sticking out of the front of her gut. The soldier behind her pulled his sword out of her body. She used her blaster and shot him in the face.

Head pounding so hard it was painful, Kiera felt herself collapse to her knees. She wasn't even sure if she was in her body. It felt like her consciousness was floating around in the air around her body.

She vaguely heard Pidge scream "Kiera!" Before lashing out with her bayard and destroying the remaining troops.

Kiera was immediately brought back to her body and fell onto her side. She had a look of shock on her face as Pidge skidded on her knees towards her.

"No no no no!" Pidge whispered and ripped off Kiera's mask "You can't die. I'm not letting you die. I'm not losing anyone!"

"Pigeon, I-" Kiera winced "Wow, that really hurts. I wanted to tell you that, you're awesome. We may have just met, but I want to say that I consider you a friend. I'm not going to make it out of here-" she was cut off by Pidge grabbing her and pulling into a fierce hug.

"Stop talking." Pidge said, voice heavy with grief "You're an idiot! Stop dying!"

Kiera groaned in pain, yellow spots dancing in her vision "Pigeon." Her eyes almost fluttered closed.

Pidge pushed her down onto the floor, lying Kiera on her back and said "No, keep talking. You said you speak lots of languages. Which ones?"

"English," Kiera said "French, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, many alien dialects and sarcasm."

Pidge spoke into her helmet "Guys I need help. Kiera got stabbed. She's- she's most likely going to die unless we get her to a healing pod." She turned to Kiera "Help is coming. Don't worry."

"Pigeon, I'm not worried." She said "If I die, this is a pretty good place to do it. With a friend. I-" a cough racked her body painfully before she continued "I wouldn't have told my brother he's my brother, but at least I died with a friend."

"Stop talking like that!" Pidge shrieked "You are not dying!"

"I am dying." Kiera whispered "You know that."

Pidge hung her head and a tear fell onto her cheek "You are not dying."

Kiera reached a shaking hand up to Pidge's cheek and wiped away the tear "Don't cry for me, Pigeon. I'm just a thief."

"Dying means you're gone, forever." Pidge said "I don't want you gone before I even really got to know you."

A small movement behind Pidge caught Kiera's eye. More soldiers were walking down the hall. She turned to Pidge and said "You need to go."

"I'm not leaving you, Kiera!" Pidge yelled. She gripped Kiera's arm painfully tight "You are getting back on my lion and coming back to the ship to heal."

"You know I won't survive that long." Kiera mumbled "You need to go. Leave me."

Pidge put her forehead on Kiera's and said "I'm not leaving you to die here."

The soldiers had gotten to the end of the hallway. They were almost at the door. Kiera looked at Pidge, so close to her and whispered "Go. Please."

Pidge crouched closer to Kiera's body and said "I am not leaving you."

The door opened and the soldiers started walking into the hangar.

Kiera grabbed Pidge's face with both hands and whispered "I'm sorry Pidge." Using her name for once. She mustered up the last of her strength and kicked Pidge over her body, effectively throwing her into the open mouth of the green lion.

"Kiera, no!" Pidge screamed as the lion shut its mouth.

Kiera waved at her from her position on the floor "Goodbye, Pidge."

The green lion took initiative and flew itself out of the hangar, leaving Kiera bleeding out on the floor.

Taking one last look at the five lions fly away, she whispered "Safe travels, Pigeon." And turned to meet the soldiers coming toward her.

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