Chapter 33

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Kiera's eyes were drifting open and closed. Her mind seemed indecisive whether it was conscious or not.

The first time she was awake, she realized she was being dragged on the floor by someone.

The next time she was awake, she wriggled and discovered all her limbs were practically glued to her body.

The third time she was awake, she tried to shout, scream, make any noise at all. Her kidnapper noticed and she received a kick in the side of the ribs. She grunted.

The one with the slightly seductive voice knelt beside her and whispered "Now, kitten. I can't have you struggling. I need you." She felt a finger trace itself down her side. She wriggled to try to get away.

"Drop her." Said the one who had spoken to her. Kiera promptly fell to the floor, completely immobile. She frantically looked around and saw she was still on the castle ship. For now.

She finally got to look at the one who had spoken. It looked like a male alien. They weren't wearing Galra armour. It looked almost like a hodge podge of a ton of different suits of armour. She scowled around her gag to realize a band of rebels was about to kidnap her.

The one with the seductive voice had a mask on. He knelt beside her and put a finger on her jawline, tracing it as he spoke "You, kitten, are gorgeous. And we rebel men need a little fun now and then. Oh, you'll be just perfect." He called her kitten, but he practically purred as his finger traced down her neck.

His finger trailed farther down and made it's way onto her chest. She screamed into the gag and jerked her body away. Footsteps were approaching them from behind. Kiera couldn't see who it was.

The new guy spoke "Zavesti, leave the girl alone. We didn't capture her for the sole purpose of having a new plaything." Kiera shivered at the words 'plaything'

The person continued "And besides, you don't get first dibs."

Zavesti obliged and stood, but not before whispering to Kiera "We aren't done here, kitten."

"Leave her to me." The new guy said "I can bring her to our location. Go raid a storage room or something."

"But, Sekurigi, leader said that I can pick the pretty, new plaything." Zavesti whined.

"I am the leader, idiot." Sekurigi sounded exasperated "Now let me take it from here."

Zavesti sighed "Fine. Come, Mang." He and the one who had been dragging Kiera left. Kiera felt a tear trace its way down her face. She could handle physical torture. She could handle starvation and freezing cold. She could handle almost anything.

What she couldn't handle was people taking advantage of girls.

Sekurigi stood where she could see him. He was masked and he had a suit of armour that closely resembled Zavesti's suit.

He crouched in front of her, not touching her "Honestly, Zavesti needs to take a break. Not all women are for us to play with. Some give themselves willingly. You, you seem to be unwilling. It would be wrong to take advantage of you."

Kiera was unable to point out that it was wrong to take advantage of anyone. But she had a gag in her mouth. And, she had to admit that at least Sekurigi was a little respectful.

"Mmph." She said through her gag. She scowled at him.

"What was that?" He put a hand to his ear "Oh, right, you're gagged. And tied up." He paused "I could let you go. I could also keep you. Unlike Zavesti, I have first dibs. I'm the leader of this rebel group."

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