Chapter 4

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She started walking with Pidge. Then heard voices talking in the room they had left. She grabbed Pidge from behind and covered her mouth with her hand and brought her back to listen by the door.

"Mmph!" Said Pidge.

"Yes, Pidge, a very intelligent thing to say." She whispered "I just know they're taking about me. I want to know more."

"Mmph." Pidge said, a little quieter this time.

Kiera looked at her and pretended she knew what she said "Yes, I know, Pidge. Eavesdropping, not very nice. But sometimes necessary."

Pidge reached up and pulled Kiera's hand from her mouth and whispered "If you want to eavesdrop, do it later. You need sleep." With that, Pidge grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hall.

Kiera couldn't shake the younger girls grip. She sighed. She hated not being in charge of a situation. Simplicity trotted along beside them as if nothing was wrong.

Pidge lead her to a door and said "Here we are." She opened the door to reveal a smallish room with a bed on one side and a bathroom on the other. "It's a little small, but all the rooms are."

"It's better than sleeping sitting up in a robot." Kiera said "So, Pigeon, how long have you been up here?" She sat on the bed and leaned back against the wall.

"Pigeon?" Pidge asked.

Kiera nodded "I'm gonna call you Pigeon if that's all right. It suits you."

"Um, sure?" Pidge looked a little confused "We've been up here for a while."

The two talked for a little while before Pidge said she had to go to sleep and left. Kiera was alone in the room with Simplicity.

"I wonder how Ace is." She said, watching Simplicity jump around the room, inspecting it "He's probably fine. But still. I'm kind of worried about him."

Simplicity didn't reply. He'd found a corner and had claimed it as his. He curled himself up in it and started emitting small, adorable snoring sounds.

Kiera removed her little blaster from her leg and unstrapped her sword from her back and placed them together on the floor near the bed. Then, she lay down.

Her mind swam in the darkness. So many thoughts bounced around her head that she wasn't sure which train of thought to follow. She wanted to go see Ace but she needed to sleep. She also needed to train but she really needed sleep. She was hungry too but she didn't know where anything was and she didn't know how to make food here.

She sighed. Nothing made sense. Kiera remembered the day a long time ago when she'd made the decision to stop trying to make things make sense. It was easier.

She slowly sat up and looked at Simplicity. He didn't have a care in the world. He was adorable and everybody loved him. Well, mostly everybody. There was that one time Kiera had tried to use him to steal. He'd ran up to someone, trying to steal something, and instead tried to be their friend. The guy hadn't taken that well.

Kiera still had her mask on so she pulled it off and pulled down her hood. Her hair was still braided to her head.

Then, she wondered what he was doing right now. The guy she was looking for. Her twin brother. Fraternal twin to be exact. The people that had raised her told her the story. She'd been cast out by her father who wanted to protect her by separating her and her brother. She didn't know what he looked like. But she assumed he looked like her and she knew his name.

Kiera sighed and stood up. She couldn't sleep. So, she grabbed her sword, put on her mask, and tried to remember where Pidge had said the training room was. She opened the door as quietly as she could and shut it behind her. She walked down the dark hall in the direction Pidge had told her to go.

After much walking and backtracking and cursing, she found the training room. The lights flicked on as she entered.

A pleasant voice said "Please enter training level."

"Um." Kiera said. She groaned internally and praised herself on her witty comeback "Training level one. Activate training level one."

The voice didn't respond but a robot rose out of a hole in the floor. Kiera gripped her sword as it marched toward her. At the last second, she flicked her sword up and around, effectively cutting off the robots head.

It disintegrated and Kiera said "Activate training level two."

The robot came faster this time and Kiera had to fight back a little. But she finished it off with ease. She did level three. Then four.

Five was tough. The robot seemed to predict her next move. So, jabbed left then right, as fast as she could. The robot blocked. Kiera gritted her teeth and tried to jump around and get from the side. The robot was ready and kicked her backwards. Kiera flew backwards and rolled. She coughed and groaned. Then, she had an idea.

The robot was coming to her. It's heavy metal footfalls were closer and closer to her head. At the last second, she rolled over and stabbed upwards, impaling the robot in the stomach.

It was gone and Kiera dropped her arms and let them flop beside her. Her breathing was heavy and laboured.

"That was pretty good." A voice by the door shocked her into sitting up. Keith stood by the door, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed "Not just anyone can go straight to level five."

Kiera picked herself up and said "Well I'm not just anyone."

"Just so you know, I don't trust you." He said, his voice suddenly hard as steel "We don't know where you came from, who you work for."

"I work for myself." Kiera growled "I come from nowhere."

"Vague answer." Keith said "You're avoiding the question. Where are you from? Where is your family from?"

Kiera clenched a fist "I don't have a family. My father cast me out when I was a baby. My mother abandoned me. I lost my brother."

She looked him dead in the eye and growled "I'm a thief. I come from nowhere. I work for no one."

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