Chapter 13

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The next hour was a blur for Kiera. She had lost quite a bit of blood and her lightheadedness was so bad that she had trouble staying conscious.

She vaguely remembered a harsh voice saying "She's good enough. Put her with the other earth dwelling scum."

Then, she felt hot bolts of pain shot from her wound as a soldier lifted her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder. The world slipped into cold, comfortable darkness.

She awoke to the bouncing of steps on metal. She didn't know how long she'd been out but she knew she was on a different ship. Then, it hit her. She was back in a Galra prison. Panic seized her heart and she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping this was all a horrible dream that she would wake up from.

But, of course, it wasn't a dream. Her eyes opened when she saw a door open. The soldier tossed her into the cell and she stumbled and collapsed to the floor, face down.

"You." One of the soldiers pointed at someone but Kiera couldn't see who "Heal it."

Kiera groaned from the floor "I'm a her not an it. And I have a name." This comment earned her a swift kick in the ribs. She whimpered and curled into a ball.

The soldier spat on the ground next to her and walked out. The door closed and locked. Kiera lay there on the floor, not looking up at whoever else was in the cell with her. She didn't want to accept the fact that she was back in a Galra prison.

A gentle hand was placed on her shoulder and a kind voice said "Come, let me help you."

Kiera looked up and saw an older man and a young adult looking down at her. The man had grey hair and the young adult had dirty blonde hair. He reminded her of someone but she couldn't focus on any thoughts. She ignored it and sat up and watched as the man bandaged her somehow mostly healed stab wound. His hands were a little warm and he was incredibly gentle.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You're welcome." He said with a warm smile "What's your name?"

"Kiera." She said "I'm a thief and bounty hunter."

The young adult said "So you're the Kiera they keep complaining about? You were the one who was here before and escaped then a few days ago attacked the metal shipment?"

Kiera nodded reluctantly "Yeah. That was me."

"I'm Matt." Said the young adult "This is my father."

"Commander Holt." The man said "Well, ex commander. We were on a mission and got captured."

"The Kerberos mission." Kiera whispered.

Matt nodded "That's the one."

"I met Shiro a little while ago." Kiera said absentmindedly.

"You did?" Commander Holt sounded excited and nervous at the same time "Is he alright? Is he alive?"

"Yes and yes." Kiera said. She decided to say no more, Galra soldiers could be listening.

"Oh thank goodness." Matt said.

Before anyone could say anything else, the door banged open and a robot marched in. It said "Prisoner number 1157395 come with me. Don't struggle or attempt an escape or you will be killed." The robot held up a blaster to prove its point.

"Guess that's me." Kiera muttered "What am I needed for?" She asked just like all those days when she'd been dragged away to be tortured.

"You are to come before Haggar." The robot said. It poked her with the end of its blaster.

Kiera looked back at Matt and Commander Holt "Later."

The robot handcuffed her and led her out of the room and through a hallway. It dragged her along by a rope coming from the handcuffs.

She came to a door with a symbol she recognized. This was one of the torture rooms. She sighed as she was walked inside like a dog and chained to a wall.

Then, the robot left and she was alone, chained to a wall with her hands handcuffed and a stab wound in her gut. She had deduced that the wound would not kill her, it would just hurt a lot. Years of injuries often gave someone the ability to tell if something was lethal.

A figure walked into the room. It looked at Kiera and said "You."

"Me." Kiera said, dejectedly. The person sent a bolt of purple lightning at Kiera. Her whole body spasmed in pain. When the shot was called off, she hung limply from her chains.

"You're the one I had here before." The figure said "I should've never let you escape. You shall be punished more because of it."

A tear streaked down Kiera's cheek and she said "I regret nothing."

"You will regret escaping." The figure said "You will regret living this long." The figure lifted its head a little, revealing Kiera's old torturer.

"Greetings, Haggar." Kiera said "Long time no see."

Hagar snarled and grabbed a metal pole from the opposite wall and struck Kiera's arm with it. Kiera bit her lip until it bled. She would not scream.

"Scream." Haggar said "I want to listen to you scream in fear and pain."

"I will give you no such pleasure." Kiera declared, only to be struck again in the same arm.

Haggar hit her again and again on different spots on her body. Sometimes, she would electrocute Kiera. Kiera did not scream.

Haggar looked down her nose at Kiera "You are persistent. But I know how to get you to scream." She gestured with her hand and a bigger, bulkier figure came into the room.

Kiera whimpered, remembering this.

The figure walked up to her and fitted its mouth to her neck. It's hands roamed around her. Tears streamed down Kiera's face as she felt him take advantage of her.

Finally, after a long time, she screamed. She screamed loud and long and it was horrible. Pain roped its way through her body. She could feel her vocal chords rip to shreds.

The one who had taken advantage of her let himself out and walked from the room. Haggar brought out a small knife and cut both of Kiera's cheeks.

"That was just a taste of what you've missed." Haggar said. Kiera felt her body heal a little. Haggar had always healed her but it was never enough. She felt the possibility of life inside her die just like all those previous times this had happened. Haggar left the room with a satisfied air.

A robot entered the room and unchained Kiera from the wall. She collapsed to the ground as it put the handcuffs on her once more and dragged her back to her cell. Kiera felt tears running down her face. Her salty tears mixed with the blood on her cheeks and she whimpered.

It tossed her into the cell. Her body hit the ground hard and she rolled, slamming into the far wall. The handcuffs were removed.

She felt and heard Matt and Commander Holt gingerly check her injuries. But there was one thing that they could not heal. Something that had been broken for a long time.

Her innocence was gone. It had been taken by the man all those years ago. She had just been reminded of it once again.

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