Chapter 11

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Kiera hit the wall and slid down it. Once her feet hit the floor, she slid to a sitting position and put her head in her hands.

"Y'okay Kiera?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah." Kiera said, not looking up "Just waiting for the ship to stop spinning. I hit my head kind of hard." She reached a hand up to rub the back of her head and winced.

A tiny wave of nausea hit her as she felt the ship actually lurch to the left. And that nausea wasn't helped when she realized where she was going. Back to the Galra. She knew she wouldn't be imprisoned this time, but she still had never felt good near them since she escaped the prison camp.

The ship finally made it out of the wormhole. Kiera felt safe enough to stand, so she did and immediately fell back down. She was caught by a strong arm that picked her up and propped her against the wall.

Keith said "You sure you'll be alright coming with us?"

"You kidding?" Kiera asked "Wouldn't miss this for the world." She started to walk forward and stumbled. Luckily, Keith caught her again.

"You should really stay here." He said "You've gone really pale."

She pushed him off her and said "I'll be fine." Mostly to convince herself. Then, she forced herself to walk straight. She focused on each step so she didn't fall.

"Paladins," Allura said "Get to your lions. Kiera, go with Pidge. Good luck to all of you."

They all nodded and left the room, Kiera going at a slower pace than the rest. She made it to the green lion and managed to walk herself inside. She dragged herself to the cockpit and leaned heavily against a wall and sat down, leaning her back on it. Her head swam but she couldn't afford to pass out. She pulled her mask off her belt and put it on, hoping for a little boost in confidence.

Pidge sat in the pilots chair "Ready?"

Kiera nodded and Pidge lifted off, flying out into space. Fingers pressed to her temples and eyes shut tightly, Kiera listened to the machinery hum all around her, hoping it would help her recover from slamming her head on a wall.

The five lions gathered and Pidge had a conversation with the others on an intercom.

Pidge turned to her and said "We are going to follow it. Best case scenario, we follow it all the way to the base. Worst case scenario, we are seen."

"And we have to fight." Kiera added "Great. Count me in."

"Sarcasm seems to be your thing." Pidge said.

"I speak many different languages." Kiera said with a smirk "I'm especially fluent in sarcasm."

Pidge laughed and said "I hope you're fluent in coding. I may need your help with a little feature I've been working on for Green."

"Just so happens that I am fluent in code." Kiera said "Now, let's follow some aliens and hope we don't have to kick their asses."

The lion lurched and Kiera lost her balance, clattering to the floor with a grunt. Her head swam for a second and she shook her head to clear the spots dancing in her eyes.

"Y'okay?" Pidge asked without turning around.

"Yeah." Kiera said "Not driving is going to take some getting used to. I'm usually the driver."

Pidge nodded and the lion lined itself up with the others behind the Galra ship. They were close enough to see the ship but far enough to stay out of their sensors. They were virtually undetectable.

Kiera snarled a little. The ships would have the advantage if they attacked. The lions would just fly into them. She stood and leaned on the back of Pidge's chair.

The other lions flew in a triangle formation. The black lion in front followed by the red, green, blue and yellow lions respectively. The machinery emitted a quiet hum and Pidge would once in a while speak into the intercom.

Kiera leaned forward and narrowed her eyes at the Galra supply ship. It was black with the usual purple lights.

Weird. Kiera thought Something seems off.

Kiera, as a thief, was very good at telling when something was off. It was like a sixth sense or something. Any other thief she had periodically allied with agreed that it came about after a few months of thievery. That gave the thieves an ability to get out of sticky situations before they started. Kiera didn't know why she felt like something was off.

The ship seemed normal and planets and moons around them seemed normal.

Then why did she feel like she was being followed? She brushed off the feeling and went back to staring out the window.

Something moving from the dark side of a moon caught her eye. It was gone before she could give it anymore thought. Then another movement caught her eye.

She placed a hand on Pidge's helmet and said "Pigeon, I think we are being followed."

"How could they know we are here?" Pidge asked "I seriously doubt we are being followed."

"Okay. Just be alert." Kiera said. She went back to leaning on the back of Pidge's chair.

Her rebellious mind started to wander. She thought about her life before space. Before she'd discovered she had a twin brother and had set out to find him. Before her adoptive parents had been killed. They had told her where she had come from a million times. And they had died a week after telling her about her brother for the first time.

It had been a peaceful night and Kiera was in her room, awake. She worked best at night. As a child she had believed that the moon gave her energy. She had loved to stare at it for hours out her window.

Then, the fire had started. She had made it out by jumping out a window. Her guardians had been trapped downstairs. She'd screamed and punched the firefighters as they dragged her away from the burning house. That was the day she had lost her guardians.

That was the day she had replaced letting out her sadness and guilt with being goofy and funny. Humour could hide the pain.

She snapped out of her daze as something moved in front of them. A missile was flying straight towards them.

"Pigeon, LOOK OUT!" She screamed and threw herself on top of Pidge, in the hopes of protecting her friend.

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