Chapter 40

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As they ran, Kiera's mind was assaulted with wave after wave of flashbacks.

"Oh, aren't you precious." Haggar spoke in a mocking tone "Too small to be our Champion. Not to worry, I will have you trained to be unstoppable in no time."

Pain. Blinding, harsh, electric pain. Kiera felt her vocal chords tear to shreds but she kept screaming. Her screams were raw and like a threatened animal. Her mind was fuzzing out with electricity and lightning ran through her veins.

The pain stopped and she sagged from her chains, violent anger boiling inside her.

A cold hand caressed her cheek and Haggar said "Yes, you will be the perfect weapon."

She shook her head back into what was really happening. She was running down a hallway in a Galra prison ship, about to escape with friends after saving another friend.

She took a deep breath and kept running.

Kiera was lying on an operation table, a dozen needles in one arm, injecting her with liquids and substances she couldn't name.

She tried to thrash, but her body was completely bound to the table. She tried to scream but her mouth was full of a gag. She couldn't do anything but look around fearfully at the Druids and soldiers flit around her, reading her vitals and stare at her.

Back in reality, Kiera nearly ran into a wall. Being distracted wasn't good for people.

But, of course, a new flashback came, the most painful of all.

The shadowy figure walked up to her and caressed her side. It said nothing and for its lips to her neck, slowly leading downwards.

She could not save herself. Her tears dropped onto to her attackers head. She squeezed her eyes shut and he performed the deed. Kiera cried and cried, unable to do anything but sob. When he was finished, he left the room.

Then the holograms popped up. She was already miserable and as she watched these fake aliens get slaughtered, she felt her spirit start to break.

Kiera gasped back into reality and nearly collapsed against a wall. Tears ran down her face as she leaned heavily on her hand against the wall, breathing sharply with wide eyes. She pulled off her mask and fiercely wiped away her tears with her fist.

"Kiera!" Pidge shouted and stopped running "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Th-this place." Kiera looked up at Pidge, fear in her eyes "It b-brings back s-so m-many memories." She choked a sob.

Pidge walked forward and put a hand on Kiera's arm. She jerked it away with a scared "No, don't touch me."

She saw the hurt on Pidge's face and stared at the floor. Another sob broke her throat and she dashed forward and put her arms around Pidge, crying into her shoulder.

Pidge was taken aback but put her arms around Kiera.

After a minute, Kiera pulled away and said "Sorry, Pigeon. I-I'm good now."

"I'm glad." Pidge said. Kiera picked up her helmet and slipped it back on and pulled up her hood.

Shiro looked nervous too "I know how anxious you feel, Kiera. I was a prisoner too. But we can make it out. Together."

Kiera nodded and together, the three of them and the robot ran down the hallway.

Eight Galra robots and a few soldiers later, they made it back to where Keith and Lance were guarding the exit. Kiera got there first and gestured Ace out.

"You go first, the Commander needs to get to safety." She said. Ace nodded and flew out.

"Doesn't Pidge have a brother too?" Lance asked.

Kiera scowled "Those good for nothing rebels took him. After I left, the two were separated and then the rebels attacked and took Matt."

Keith nodded and gestured Shiro and Pidge out. Their jet packs propelled them up and out. Lance was close behind them. Kiera was about to follow when Keith grabbed her arm.

"Hey, little sister." He said "I can tell when you're uneasy. What's going on?"

Kiera sighed "I'm not your little sister. And, this place is just setting off so many flashbacks and they're taking over my brain and I can't think straight and what if we get caught, what if you have to go trough what I went through what if-"

He cut her off "Kiera, Kiera, slow down. We haven't gotten caught yet. We will all be fine. And, we can find those rebels that have Matt. It will be a simple matter of tracking them down."

"Thanks, Keith." She sighed "Let's get out of here."

Keith nodded and the two siblings flew up and into space. The Green and Red lions were waiting. Keith and Kiera split off and entered their respective lions.

The Green lions mouth closed and Kiera heaved a sigh. She was safe, for the moment.

After a minute of slowing down her racing heart, she went up to the control room. She found Pidge in the pilots seat and Ace against the wall.

You better get him out of me before tying me down. He might get hurt. Ace said.

Kiera nodded and opened the door to the driving compartment. Commander Holt all but fell out. Luckily, Kiera caught him and lowered him gently to the ground, leaning him against the wall. Then, she pulled off her helmet.

She smiled reassuringly at him "Nice to see you, sir."

"Nice to see you too, Kiera." He smiled weakly at her.

Kiera turned and fastened Ace to the wall. It took a few minutes but by the time she was finished, it looked like Ace had a straight jacket on. He wasn't going anywhere.

She walked forward and placed a hand on Pidge's head and said "Alright, Pigeon, take us home."

Pidge smiled up at her and the lion sped to the castle. The Red lion was already farther ahead and they followed it back to the castle. Commander Holt fell asleep against the wall.

About halfway there, Kiera leaned down and planted a light kiss on Pidge's cheek. She turned bright red.

"Kiera! Don't distract me." She hissed so as not to wake her father. 

Kiera laughed weakly "I'm not trying to distract you. I'm trying to distract me." She smirked at Pidge and whispered "You are pretty cute, by the way."

Pidge's face went redder and she turned her head back to focusing on where she was going. Kiera smiled.

"Simplicity is going to hate me when I get back." Kiera mumbled to herself. He hated it whenever she went anywhere without him. No matter how many times she told him about how useless he was for missions, he still insisted he must come along to protect her. She hadn't told him about this mission.

Kiera watched space go by and thought about her past. Where had she gone and managed to not cause trouble? She had gone to a Balmera once... Maybe she could visit again? She didn't quite remember how that visit had gone.

The castle of lions came closer and closer, and Kieras goodbyes came nearer and nearer.

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