Chapter 38

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Kiera could tell Pidge was nervous by the way she was twitching and fidgeting with the controls of her lion. Her eyes were darting everywhere and her teeth were slightly clenched.

Kiera stood beside her and watched quietly. She wasn't good at comforting people. Frankly, she didn't know how. Spending years and years alone tended to throw ones social skills out the window. Unless, of course, one needed to know how to act at a thief-run bar or nobles ball. Those instances were exceptions.

Pidge began to ramble "I can't wait to see dad and Matt again, but what if they don't want to see me? What if we can't find them? What if this is a trap and they are ready for us? What if the others get caught? What if the Galra take our lions? What if my dad and brother are dead?"

"Pigeon, slow down." Kiera said. She took a breath and said "Look, I'm not good with humans or comforting them, but I promise that if either one of them are dead, you are allowed to full on destroy every Galra on that ship. I'll even help. Shiro and the rest of the Paladins probably will too." Pidge looked up at Kiera and she saw that Pidge's eyes were wild. She quickly broke eye contact and went back to freaking out quietly in the pilots seat.

Kiera sighed and went to start freeing Ace.

"We will be landing in a minute." Pidge mumbled.

Ace stepped down from his bonds on the wall and said Kiera, you trust me right?

Kiera blinked at him and whispered "Um, yes."

I can tell you are nervous about Pidge and the others getting hurt. He said So I'm going to promise to you that I will protect Pidge. Anything happens to her and it will be my responsibility.

"Thank you." Kiera patted his arm "I'll worry about the others." Ace nodded.

The lion jerked a little as it stopped moving just below the ship, undetectable by the sonar. Kiera put on her helmet and pulled her hood up. She felt a small hand grab her arm.

"Wait." Pidge said. Kiera turned around as Pidge said "Kiera, give me your helmet."

Kiera pulled down her hood and pulled off her helmet, sliding it off her coiled braids, and handed it to Pidge. She flipped it upside down and fiddled with some wires and put a small piece of machinery into the helmet. Then she fiddled with more wires and closed the small hatch.

She handed it back to Kiera and said "You can communicate with the others now. I added an intercom. All you need to do is talk and we will hear you."

Kiera smiled and took her helmet "Thanks, Pigeon."

She was about to put her helmet back on when Pidge interrupted her again by putting a hand on her cheek. Kiera froze and lowered her helmet.

Neither said a word. They just stood there, Pidge with her hand on Kiera's cheek and Kiera with her eyes locked on Pidge's. Then, Kiera closed her eyes and leaned into Pidge's hand with a soft smile. Pidge smiled a small smile.

Kiera opened her eyes again and grabbed her hand "You'll be fine." Pidge blushed.

With a smirk, Kiera leaned forward and softly connected their lips. She pulled away quickly and put on her helmet and pulled up her hood. Pidge was frozen.

"Hey, Pigeon." Kiera smirked and pulled up her mask so Pidge could see her face "Don't let me distract you." She winked playfully at the Green Paladin, who promptly turned beet red and put her face in her hands. Kiera pulled her helmet back down and laughed.

"Testing, testing. Is this working? Answer me somebody." Kiera spoke into the helmet.

A crackelly voice spoke through to her "Kiera? How the heck did you get onto our radio?"

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