Introduction to Second Book

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"Wouldn't it be great if humans could take more pain?"

The voices were barely there, whispers that somehow broke through the fog of her mind. It was a strange sensation, hearing, and it made her wonder why she had never experienced it before. Something made her think that she had but she was sure she hadn't.

"Oh this one has an amazing pain tolerance."

"You should see her in the ring."


Ah so they were talking about her. Strange really. She couldn't figure out why or what they were talking about. Ring? Legendary? She didn't know what those words meant to her.

"Why don't you prove to me just how amazing she is?"

This new voice she hadn't heard yet. It sounded sinister and evil. Almost like the sound that huge rocks made when they cracked against each other underwater had been made into someone's voice. She thought she might like to listen to that voice a bit more. It made the words poetic. And the voice was talking about proving something. Whatever that meant, she didn't know.

A strange sensation filled her foot and ever so slowly spread up her leg. It moved at the speed of a snail in molasses and felt like warm sun was spreading across her body. She shivered as it reached her hip and started melting up her torso.

That was weird. Her throat hurt.

She could feel her chest heaving.

Something was coming out of her mouth.

It didn't seem solid though. Something... breathy almost.

The sensation continued as the sunny feeling spread up her chest.

The sunny feeling didn't quite feel.. sunny anymore. It felt warmer. And warmer. The temperature was rising, isn't that funny?

Something filled the girls nose. That was not a pleasant smell.

It smelled like... something burning...

She was screaming. Yes that was it. That was what was coming from her mouth.

Something burning...

No wonder her throat hurt. This couldn't be good for her vocal chords.

Something awful...


So that was what burning skin smelled like.

Hey, Brother? {a Voltron fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now