Chapter 43

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Kiera found Pidge in the cryopod room. She was leaning against one of the pods, having already set it up. It was open and ready to heal.

"Alright, sir, you'll need to put on this suit." Kiera put the Commander down and picked up one of the healing pod suits.

He looked at it in disgust "Ugh. Well, must be better than these prison rags." He grabbed the suit and went to change. As soon as Kiera couldn't see his eyes, his shoulders slumped a little.

Pidge walked up next to Kiera, watching her father walk "You okay?"

"It's him we should be worried about." Kiera's eyes were focused on the Commanders back "He's been acting kind of distant. He's really sad. I mean, he's happy that he's back with you and Shiro, but I think that reminds of Matt even more." She looked down at Pidge from her couple inches more of height "It's probably doing the same thing to you."

Pidge's eyes filled with tears "I-I..." She wiped her tears and forced a breath "You shouldn't worry about me."

"But I do worry about you. Despite the fact that you are a total badass Paladin of Voltron and hero of the universe." Kiera said "I never will stop worrying about you. Or Keith. Or Shiro. Or Allura. Or Hunk, Coran, your father, Matt, heck even Lance. For the first time in years, I actually care about people. I can't let anything happen to you guys." She paused and put a hand gently on Pidge's cheek "It's okay to cry for your brother, Katie."

That struck a chord. Pidge seemed to crumple. She leaned forward and Kiera caught her before she fell. Pidge wrapped her arms around Kiera's neck and buried her face in Kiera's chest, crying.

Kiera gently wrapped her arms around Pidge's small body and put her face in her hair. She rubbed gentle circles on Pidge's back.

"It's going to be okay, Katie." Kiera whispered "When I leave, I'm going after those rebels that took Matt and finding him. I'll bring him to you. I promise."

Pidge sniffled "Thanks." She stepped back and wiped the tears off her face "And thanks for letting me cry. I kind of needed that."

Kiera smiled warmly at her "You're welcome."

Commander Holt came back into the cryopod room, limping heavily.

Kiera smacked her forehead "Oh, I'm an idiot! I should've carried you. Sorry."

The Commander smiled "Not to worry, Kiera. After this I'll be healed. Right? I wasn't told how these things work."

"Well, they're basically sleeping pods that heal you when you're inside." Pidge said "Some sort of crazy Altean magic or something." She hugged her father tightly "See you soon, dad."

He hugged her back "See you soon, Katie."

When they pulled away, Kiera saluted him "Later, sir."

"Goodbye, Kiera." The Commander smiled almost sadly at her and climbed into the pod. It's screen shut and he closed his eyes. The pod did its thing and soon, he was asleep and vital signs were popping up on the screen.

Kiera breathed out slowly. If this pod didn't work, they would have to use earth healing methods. And, well, she wasn't at all good at those.

She grabbed Pidge's hand "So, now what?"

"I don't know." Pidge shrugged "Check in with Allura, see what she needs to get done?"

"Weren't they going to a nearby planet to gather stuff?" Kiera asked "Nah, let's stay here. Oh! I have an idea! We should fight!"

"What?" Pidge blinked at her.

Kiera smiled "We should spar. You know, like fight each other with weapons. Or a fist fight! I haven't had a fist fight in so long. I'm getting way too excited about this aren't I?"

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