Chapter 3

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"Well, well, well." Kiera said "Five warriors against one little thief. Quite the odds aren't they?"

One of the warriors said "You're outnumbered. There are five of us and one of you."

"Maybe get two or three more of you in here and it might be a fair fight." Kiera said. She didn't have Ace. Her more effective weapon was stored in the driving compartment. Luckily, she had her knives. She trusted her fighting abilities.

The warrior in the middle said "We should go somewhere where we can take our masks off. I want to be able to see who I'm talking to."

"Do you not trust me?" Kiera feigned shock "I'm hurt."

The shortest warrior said "You're big robot is powered down and you have what looks like a dog robot by your side. I'd say we could take you easily." Then they paused and added "Your dog robot is really cute by the way."

Kiera grinned under the mask and said "Simplicity, why don't you go say hi to our short friend here."

Simplicity popped happily and dashed forward. The short warrior knelt to play with him. Kiera could tell they knew about tech and machinery by the way they inspected Simplicity.

"Pidge, be careful." Said the middle warrior "It could be a bomb or something."

"Oh, no, Simplicity isn't a bomb." Kiera said "If anything, Simplicity is comic relief."

"We should bring you onto our ship." Said the middle warrior "We need information."

"Fine." Kiera said, throwing up her hands "Ill come onto your ship. But I'm bringing Ace with me."

"Fine." The middle warrior said.

Kiera unplugged Ace from the wiring in the floor and started up the awakening process.

He sounded a little shaken when he spoke Wha-? How long was I out.

"It's okay, Ace." She said to him "We're joining some people on their ship."

Ok. I'm coming right? He asked hopefully.

"Why do you think I woke you up before you were charged, stupid?" She snorted.

She grabbed Simplicity and climbed into the driving compartment. She marched Ace towards the warriors and gestured them forward.

Once finally aboard their ship, she climbed out of Ace and turned her helmet back into a mask. She marvelled at the ship. It was beautiful! White wall with black and turquoise designs and glowing lights and ugh! Kiera wanted to remember it all.

The shortest warrior took off her helmet and said "Hi, I'm Pidge." And stuck out her hand.

Kiera shook it and said "I'm Kiera."

The other warriors removed their helmets and revealed a tall Cuban boy that looked like he was maybe eighteen. Then there was a pale boy with a shock of dark hair who was a little shorter than the Cuban. Then there was a chubby guy with darker skin and dark brown hair. The last warrior took off his helmet and revealed a man with close cropped black hair with a little section at the front that was white.

The white and black haired guy said "I'm Shiro." Then he introduced her to the rest of the group, the Cuban boy named Lance, the pale boy name Keith, the chubby guy named Hunk.

Then they all walked to what looked a bit like a cross between a meeting room and a living room.

The five sat down and Kiera sat in the farthest chair from them. Simplicity hopped onto the table and bumped noses with Pidge. Pidge laughed.

Kiera smiled a little at how well Simplicity took to Pidge.

Then she turned her attention to Shiro "You said you needed information."

"Right." He said "We need to know where the last shipment of metal to the Galra was sent."

"Why do you need to know that? And why would you assume I'd know?" Kiera asked.

"Because if we know where it's going then we can catch up to it and it'll lead us straight to them." He said "And you're a thief. Word gets around fast in the black market."

Kiera rested her chin on her hand "And why would you need to go to them?"

"To fight them." He said simply "If you know where the shipment is going, tell us, if you don't, we can just put you right back where you were."

"I know where the shipment is headed." She said. She sensed the others bristle and added "I'm not allied to the Galra in any way. That'd be something. A very powerful thief and the Galra, but no. I'm not allied to anyone. I know where it is because I attacked it a few days ago."

Lance looked astonished "Really? Cool! Did you blow it up?"

"No." She shook her head "I stole some metal. I needed it to make a repair on Ace."

"So you're a thief." Keith said.

"I stated that earlier." She replied "I don't steal from just anyone. I steal from people who have too much. People who are greedy and are taking more than they need. I am judge, jury and thief."

"Will you tell us where the shipment is?" Shiro asked.

"Sure." She said "But lets make it a trade. Trades are so much more fun. I want to charge Ace and stay here for a while in exchange for the information."

"Why would you need to stay here?" Shiro looked confused "You have a war robot."

"I do have a war robot." Kiera said "You're right. But war robots are no good for sleeping in or eating in. I haven't slept in a week. I'm pretty tired and hungry. Also, I'd like a break from the black market. Honestly those are annoying."

Shiro said "Fine, deal. You get a room and some food and your robot charged in exchange for giving us information towards the whereabouts of the metal shipment." They shook on it.

Then there was a loud crash followed by a laugh. They turned to look and saw that Pidge's chair had fallen backwards, courtesy of Simplicity tackling her. Pidge was laughing as Simplicity bounced on and around her, popping.

Kiera snorted "Come on, Simplicity, no need to terrify our hosts." Simplicity whined a little in response. Kiera rubbed her temples and said "Yes I know you didn't mean to hurt Pidge. You never mean to hurt anybody."

Pidge sat up and looked at her "You can communicate with Simplicity?"

"Um, yeah?" She said.

"Cool!" Pishes eyes shone "How does it work?"

Kiera snorted "I could just show you one day."

"Really? Thanks!" Pidge said.

Shiro said "Pidge, why don't you lead Kiera to her room?"

"Okay!" Pidge said "Come with me."

Kiera followed her out of the room, Simplicity on her tail. Suspicions arose in Kiera. What were they talking about in there?

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