Chapter 15

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"What's the message?" Pidge asked.

Kiera took a breath and wiped her tears from her face "Your father is alive. He says hello. He told me to tell you that he loves you and misses you. He says he wants to see you again and hug you and never leave your side. He made me promise to go back and get him. I would have sworn to go get him back anyway. Matt misses you too."

Pidge had tears running down her face. She wiped them furiously with her fist "What else did he say?"

"He said he misses you so much." Kiera said "Matt too." She turned to Shiro "I told them I'd seen you. They miss you too." He smiled.

"You still haven't told us how you got here." Coran said "How did you somehow magically teleport from prison to here?"

"I honestly don't know how the machine worked." Kiera said "Commander Holt said it was some sort of atomic disassembler and it could send my body's molecules other places. Kind of like Star Trek I guess."

Coran looked at her weird "Star Trek?"

"It's an Earth thing." Kiera said "Anyway, he turned it on early in the morning. It worked just after I had been tortured for a while. Then I showed up here."

"Cool." Lance said "So you can teleport?"

"No." Kiera shook her head "The machine broke after one use." She choked on her words "He told me that I should use it because I can get people to help me bust them out." She took a shaky breath.

Pidge broke in "We have to go back and get my brother and my dad!"

"The prison moves around Pidge." Kiera explained "We will have to find the coordinates of the prison first."

Pidge grabbed her hair and sighed "I missed them before but now that I know where they are and that they're alive I miss them so much more."

"I know what that feels like." Kiera mumbled. She felt a stab of guilt as she realized she missed her brother but he was on this ship. She needed to tell him.

Shiro interrupted her thoughts "Kiera, we should get you into a healing pod."

Coran nodded "You can heal while we figure out how we are going to get the coordinates for the prison."

"Alright." Kiera said "But first I want to go see Simplicity and Ace. I missed them." She stood gingerly and walked slowly out of the room. Her ribs were still broken and every step made her hiss in pain.

"Someone go with her." Allura said "Make sure she doesn't get hurt again."

"I'll go." Keith walked up beside Kiera and walked with her back to her room. She heard Lance complaining behind them.

"So you don't hate me anymore?" She joked "I beat you in a fight and I honestly thought your pride would take longer to heal."

"Ha ha." He said dryly "I have a lot of respect for anyone who can survive Galra prison. Like you and Shiro."

Kiera mock bowed a little, her busted ribs not letting her go far "Why, thank you."

"I wish I knew what Pidge was going through." He said "I've never really had a family. I certainly don't know what it feels like to lose a family."

Kiera snorted "You have a family. The Paladins are your family."

"Okay, fine." He said "I don't have any biological family."

"Ah." Kiera said "I see."

They walked in silence all the way to Kiera's room. She resisted the urge to tell him about her brother. They finally reached her room and she opened the door.

"Hi guys." She said with a soft smile. Simplicity woke up and started running around in circles, popping.

Ace walked over and yelled Where have you been?!? Do you have any idea how worried I've been?

"I can imagine." Kiera said.

"You can talk to your robot." Keith said.

Kiera nodded and turned to Ace "How are you not dead? Your battery should've run out a long time ago."

Pidge charged me. He said simply. He walked over to Kiera and said It's good to have you back.

"It's good to be back, Ace." Kiera said "Now, I have to go hang out in a healing pod for a while. See you two later."

She walked out with Keith and sighed. Her ribs hurt a lot but she really didn't want to go into a healing pod. But, she followed Keith to wherever he was taking her. They stopped in front of a door and Keith opened it and grabbed something.

He handed the piece of fabric to Kiera "You need to wear this while you're in the healing pod."

"What? Why?" She asked "Can't I just wear this?"

"I don't know why you have to wear it you just do." Keith said "And wouldn't it be a relief to take off your bloodstained jumpsuit?"

"Yeah," she said grudgingly "I guess it would be."

She stepped into the room and closed the door. Pulling off her jumpsuit was easy. It was so ripped that she just gave it a little tug and it turned into a pile of shredded fabric on the floor.

Getting the new one on wasn't easy at all. It was a creamy white colour and her busted ribs screamed in protest as she pulled it on. She gritted her teeth through the pain and told herself to just get it over with. Finally, she had the healing pod suit on and came out of the room.

She placed a hand gently on her busted ribs "Do your healing pods heal broken bones?"

Keith shrugged "I guess we will find out."

Kiera huffed and they walked to the room with the healing pods. They were in a ring around the room. She decided she couldn't put it off any longer.

"Keith." She said "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" He asked "That you could kick my ass even with busted ribs?"

Kiera snorted "That too but this is something else. I have a brother. And he is on this ship."

"Who is-" he cut himself off and his eyes widened "Me? I'm your brother?"

"Twin actually." She said "Anyway, here come the others." She turned and saw Coran walk forward.

"Well, good luck Kiera." He said "Just stand in the opening here. You won't feel a thing."

"It's almost like sleeping." Lance said. Then he noticed Keith still standing completely still with his eyes wide and jaw on the floor "Um, what happened to Keith?"

"I'll let him explain." Kiera stepped into the pod "Alright Coran, I'm ready." She scrunched up her face "Wow, it sounds like you're going to kill me."

"Good thing I'm not then." He laughed and started pressing buttons on the pod.

Keith snapped out of his daze and dashed forward "Wait! Kiera I need an explana-" he was cut off by the pod closing.

Kiera smiled and waved sadly at him. Then she felt the world slide out from under her and she fell into unconsciousness.

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