Chapter 34

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Keith and Shiro leaped over Kiera and started fighting the rebels. Kiera, meanwhile, was desperately trying to get her knife from her wrist to cut herself free.

She probably looked like she was having a seizure or something, but one had to do what one had to do.

Eventually, her knife slipped into her hand and she cut her bonds away. She stretched her shoulders and hips and got up, joints creaking. The fight was not going well.

Some of the rebels were climbing into pods and flying out of the hangar. Sekurigi and Zavesti and several others were staying and fighting.

Zavesti almost looked like he was dancing while he fought. He was so graceful and light on his feet. He might as well have been floating. Sekurigi was a very grounded and brute force kind of fighter.

Kiera slipped her other knife into her hand and charged into the fight.

She knocked a rebel unconscious by slamming the pommel of her knife into the top of his head. He fell like a stone. Someone turned to look at her and she knocked them out too. She didn't really want to kill anyone. Even though these people were going to 'play' with her.

Most of the rebels were down, Keith, Kiera and Shiro almost seemed to be winning.

Then, Kiera felt a hand on her head. It twisted and grabbed her hair, pulling it painfully. She yelled in pain and tried to jab them with her knife. The rebel pulled her back up against them and pressed a knife to her throat.

Okay, having a knife pressed to my throat is really getting old. Kiera thought.

She recognized Zavesti's voice when he said "Drop your weapons or the kitten gets it."

The fight stopped. Sekurigi had Shiro's arm twisted behind him, in a perfect position to snap his shoulder with the slightest movement. Keith received a swift and painful kick to the back of his knees and he fell.

Kiera felt her heart beat harder. Her carotid artery pulsed hard against the knife.

This she knew how to deal with. She growled deep in her throat.

Zavesti laughed "What, not scared anymore, kitten? Shouldn't you be scared that I'm about to kill you?"

Kiera snarled "Go ahead. I'm not afraid to die."

"Well, you're a brave one aren't you?" His lips brushed her ears and jawbone "You sure are a feisty one. I like that." He chuckled darkly.

"Kiera." Keith grunted when the rebel behind him kicked him "You're going to be okay."

Zavesti laughed "Oh, of course she isn't! She is going to die right here, right now. I'm going to kill my precious little kitten. Well, right after I have a little fun first." He turned his head to Shiro and Keith "You can watch if you like."

Kiera was aghast "Zavesti! That's a horrible way to convince me to like you." She pretended to pout "And I was just starting to."

She felt his knife waver a little "Really?" He purred "Well, kitten, I like you. A lot."

"Oh, really?" Kiera asked innocently.

Shiro stared at her from his kneeling position "Kiera? What are you doing?"

"What I should be doing." Kiera cringed internally "Submitting."

"See? There's a good kitten." Zavesti purred again and used one hand to stroke her hair, letting it fall normally in the process. Then he leant down and started to caress her bare neck with his lips. That struck a nerve in Kiera.

Kiera gripped her knives harder and felt her eyes blaze "Would I still be a good kitten if I... oh nevermind."

Zavesti was interested "If you did what, kitten?" His breath was hot on her neck.

"Oh," Kiera giggled a little "This." And pressed a knife backwards into his stomach.

Zavesti screamed in pain and stumbled backwards. Kiera charged forward, knives ready and stabbed him again. Both knives sank into his chest. Blood spurted from his body and splattered onto her catsuit.

With a vicious snarl, Kiera sank her knives deeper into his chest and pulled them out again. He curled over into his side, blood spilling onto the floor. A cough racked Zavesti's body and he spat out blood.

Kiera felt her bloodthirsty killer rise inside her and she stood over him, watching him bleed out on the floor in crude fascination.

"Goodbye Zavesti." She said and waved a little as the lights in his eyes went out. His body collapsed motionless to the floor.

Kiera hated to admit it, but she felt crazily exhilarated. Her heart was beating fast. She'd only killed a few people before.

She turned to the other rebels, held up her bloody knives and said with cold, steely confidence "Who's next?"

The rebels froze, staring at Zavesti's dead body and the blood on Kiera's knives and clothing. Sekurigi released Shiro from his hold and backed away. Kiera stepped closer.

"What, Sekurigi?" She said, a crazed look in her eyes "Afraid of your little plaything?" She spat the last few words.

He frantically shook his head. Then, he turned tail and ran for it. His rebels followed him and took another pod.

As soon as the pod had left the hangar, Kiera felt the tears well up in her eyes. The adrenaline drained out of her. Her knives slipped out of her hands and clattered to the floor. She collapsed to her knees and felt tears stream down her face. Heartbreaking sobs racked her body and her little frame shook violently.

This is why she hadn't killed anyone in a long time. She could be the crazy and confident killer for a few minutes, but as soon as the adrenaline wore off, she was a mess.

"I'm a murderer." She whispered. Then she screamed at the top of her lungs, voice breaking "I'm a murderer!"

Kiera curled over into a ball and sobbed. She wasn't surprised when neither Keith nor Shiro came to console her. She didn't deserve it. She was a monster. Remembering that cruel way she had spoken and how purely fascinated she had been was proof.

She heard a gasp behind her. She lifted her tear streaked face and saw the rest of the Paladins and Allura and Coran standing in the doorway, staring at her.

"D-don't come any closer." She whimpered miserably and backed away "I-I-I'm a monster."

Nobody moved.

Kiera buried her face in her arms again and sobbed. Her heart hurt so much it felt like someone was scooping out her insides.

Footsteps behind her.

Kiera turned and saw Keith walking up to her. She tried to back away and he stopped walking.

"Why?" He whispered "Why'd you do it, Kiera?"

She said nothing. Didn't even look at him. She simply let her tears stream down her face. Her legs shook as she stood up. Her knives lay on the floor behind her.

Kiera unstrapped her sword from her back and threw it to the floor. Then, she ripped the cloak off her shoulders and threw that down too. She stood in front of her brother with no weapons, no defences in a blood splattered catsuit.

Her neck stung. She reached up to touch it and found blood. Her own blood. Zavesti's knife had nicked her. Not fatal, but still painful.

She looked up at her brother, her eyes so full of misery and pain that he gasped a little. Kiera didn't say anything.

Then, she walked around him, pushed passed the other Paladins and left the room.

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