Chapter 31

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Kiera gently pulled her lips an inch from Pidge's and pressed their foreheads together. Pidge wrapped her arms around Kiera's neck.

"I love you Pigeon." Kiera whispered.

Pidge's face turned pink "I-I think I love you too." A pause "You should go find your brother. Tell him what you told me."

"I guess I should." Kiera sighed "I don't want him to be hurt because of something that wasn't real."

She pressed her lips to Pidge's again and mumbled against her lips "But I don't want to leave."

Pidge pushed Kiera's face up and said "But you have to. Your brother is your top priority. Go talk to him."

"Okay, I will." She placed her lips on Pidge's one more time and said "I'll take one of the pods. If you want to come with me, then the others will have one less person to cram into the other pods."

Pidge nodded. They walked back into the ballroom side by side and found the other Paladins. Kiera explained to Shiro and the others about the kiss and how she loved someone else. Lance pretended to pout. Then they explained that Kiera had to talk to Keith.

They didn't talk about their kisses.

The two girls left the ballroom. As soon as they passed through the doors and were down the stairs and mostly out of sight, Kiera felt a hand slip into hers. She smiled shyly down at Pidge who returned it with one of her own.

They walked quietly through the city, watching colourful lights flicker and dance inside the lanterns. Stars shone above them. Kiera was reminded of how beautiful space really was. They made it back to the pods and climbed into one. Kiera in the drivers seat and Pidge in the passenger seat.

When Kiera sat down, she felt Pidge press her lips to Kiera's cheek. Her face erupted pink and she put her face in her hands to hide it.

Pidge burst out laughing.

Kiera lifted her head and focused on the air in front of her, trying desperately to clear her face of its bright red colour.

The castle came into view and Kiera gasped. She'd forgotten how beautiful it was. White metal exoskeleton and bright blue engines. They flew into the pod hangar and the pod set down gently on the floor. Kiera and Pidge hopped out once the door had opened.

"I need to get out of this dress." Pidge said "I'm going to go change."

Kiera nodded "I need to change too. These sparkles are kind of heavy." Pidge snorted.

They went off to their separate rooms and Kiera quickly undid her dress, letting the fabric slide off her body. It crumpled to the ground and she let it. She stepped out and picked up her catsuit. She slowly pulled it on. Her body felt more energized.

She flipped her cloak over her shoulders and strapped her knives to her wrists. She smiled. She hadn't realized how much she missed them. Finally, she strapped her sword to her back, under the cloak.

Stepping into the bathroom, Kiera yanked on her braids, letting her hair fall around her face. She didn't want to tie it up again. Her head was sore.

After changing, she left her room. She checked Keith's room. Empty.

She smacked her head. Of course he was training! That was how she took out her anger and it made sense that her twin did the same.

She ran to the training room. What she saw wasn't what she'd expected.

Her brother was fighting a training robot, but he wasn't trying. It was pushing him around the room, landing hard kicks on her brothers body. One particularly fast kick sent her brother sprawling to the side. He didn't bother standing up.

Hey, Brother? {a Voltron fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now