Chapter 6

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Kiera walked slowly and cautiously up to the bushes on the other end of the clearing, where she had heard the voice. She could hear a few voices saying something about shutting up and being quiet.

She pinpointed one of the people's location and struck, slipping her knife into the fabric, careful not to puncture the skin underneath. Then, she twisted it and flung the person over her head and onto the ground by her feet, fast as lightning. She jumped forward and landed with one foot on the persons chest, pinning them to the ground and held her knives against the persons neck.

Kiera froze "Wait, PIGEON?"

"Um, hi Kiera!" She said "Please don't kill me."

Kiera moved her knives from Pidge's neck and stepped off her chest "What are you doing here?" Then she offered her a hand to get up.

Pidge took her hand and stood "Well, a few of us came to look for you."

"Why would you come looking for me?" Kiera was genuinely confused "And how did you find me?"

Shiro stepped out of the bushes, followed by Lance. Shiro said "Pidge had Lance throw a tracking device. We came to get you because you have information we need."

"And, you know, I like to keep track of pretty girls." Lance said, smirking. He walked forward and Kiera backed away until she hit Ace. Lance said "And you, are really pretty."

He tried to lean forward to her face but she kneed him where the sun don't shine and he crumpled at her feet, groaning. She snorted "Um, thanks Lance, but I don't like boys."

"What?" Lance croaked from his position on the ground.

Kiera flinched and realized what she'd said "I-I wasn't supposed to say that..." she scratched the back of her neck and walked away from Lance and stood staring at the ground.

"What weren't you supposed to say?" Pidge asked.

"That I-" Kiera hesitated and blushed, still staring intently at the grass. Her voice was quiet when she spoke "I like girls..."

"Oh. Why couldn't you just say?" Pidge asked.

Kiera looked up at her, still embarrassed "Because it's not exactly the information about myself that I lead with. As a thief, it's a bit of a disadvantage. I can't really seduce men into giving me information or materials if they know that I like girls." She rubbed her face with her hands.

Pidge shrugged "Well, I don't really see a problem with you liking girls."

"Thanks, Pigeon." Kiera said.

Shiro spoke "Kiera, please come back to the ship with us. We really need to know where this metal shipment is."

"Fine." Kiera deflated a little "I'll come back and give you your information. So long as our original agreement still stands. I get a room and-"

"-and food and a safe place to stay for a while. Yes our original agreement still stands." Shiro smiled warmly "Let's go. You can ride with Pidge."

Lance groaned from the ground "What about me? I'm crippled and my pride hurts."

Kiera smirked and offered him a hand to get up "We can keep the details here."

"Ok good." Lance said and took her hand, standing up "Keith would never let me live it down."

Pidge smiled at him evilly "Who said I would ever let you live it down?"

Lance flinched and said "Don't tell anyone!"

"Oh, I won't." Pidge smiled eviller.

Kiera laughed and punched Pidge lightly on the shoulder "You're awesome. Let's go to the ship, shall we?" She got Ace ready to walk to wherever they had left their transportation device. Then, she spent a good five minutes trying to pry Simplicity off a tree. Pidge had to come help by tickling him.

"Okay let's go!" Kiera said. She followed the three and wondered what type of transportation thing they would use to get back to the ship. Then, they walked out of the forest and she froze, her jaw hitting the grass below her.

There were three, enormous mechanical lions standing in the field. One was green and it was the smallest of the three. The middle one was blue and the third was black. They were feats of mechanical magic. A strangled sound escaped Kiera threat.

Pidge turned, took one look at her face and burst out laughing "Yeah, they're pretty awesome aren't they?"

Kiera couldn't say anything for a minute. She had to just stare with her mouth hanging open.

"Th-they're amazing!" Kiera finally shouted "Who built them? How did they build them? What do they do?" She shrieked what would be called a fan girl shriek and her eyes shone. She pressed her hands to her mouth.

"We actually have no idea who built them or how." Shiro said, smiling at how ridiculously amazed Kiera was "They can fly and are essentially massive flying warships shaped like lions."

Kiera marvelled at the lions until she noticed Pidge grab her arm and drag her toward the green lion. Ace and Simplicity followed. The lion dipped its head towards them and opened its mouth, revealing a hallway.

"Woah." Kiera whispered. She walked into the hallway and never took her eyes away from the magnificent machinery around her.

Pidge looked at her and grinned "I had a similar reaction." She lead Kiera to what looked like a pilots room, sat in a big chair and took hold of the controls.

The lion lifted off the ground and Kiera almost fell over from forgetting to hold onto something. She gripped the back of Pidge's chair and stared out the window "You're a pilot?"

"Not really." Pidge shrugged "Green usually drives himself pretty well."

Kiera gasped and said "It can think?"

Pidge nodded and Kiera nearly lost it. This massive war machine was too amazing. She feared she might pass out.

She managed to hold on though and made it back to the ship, holding onto her consciousness the whole time. The three lions landed in a hangar and the door to space closed. Pidge and Kiera started walking back out.

Kiera froze. How would the others react to her running away? Nerves rose within her before she reminded herself that she was a powerful thief and bounty hunter and that she could get herself out of anything. She felt a little bit better.

Then she remembered she still had to talk to her brother.

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