Chapter 19

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"I'd like to believe you can actually dance." Kiera said as she dragged Lance into the training room.

"Don't worry, I can." He grinned.

"Mhm sure." She said and pressed a button on the machine she'd grabbed from Ace. Music started playing and she said "Go."

Lance looked off into space as the music played and started lightly tapping the rhythm on his leg. A smirk grew on his face.

Faster than she had expected, Lance leaped forward and wrapped a hand around Kiera's waist and grabbed her other hand with his. He lead her in a graceful waltz around the room, twirling her every once in a while.

The music sped up and he switched course and pulled her along into a tango. His movements were fast and angular. Kiera let her body do the thinking and mirrored his movements to the best of her abilities. He was a much better dancer than she was.

He whirled her out of his arms only to grab her hand and pull her into a fast paced jive waltz mix.

The music gained intensity and slowed down a little, providing a slightly sensual tone. Lance pulled her up against him, his arm firmly on her lower back and lead her in a slow salsa.

He lifted her above his head, hands on her waist. When she came down, he waltzed her around and around.

The music ended and he lowered her into a pose, leaning over her and breathing heavily.

"Told you I could dance." He whispered and pulled her up to standing.

"Okay," she said "You have proven me wrong. You can dance really well." She stuck her hand out to shake and said "Want to be my demonstration partner?"

He shook her hand and said "Sure."

"Woah!" A voice from the door cut them off. Keith stood in the doorway with his mouth open "Lance, that was amazing!"

Lance bowed a little and blushed "Thanks. I don't really dance often." He scratched the back of his neck.

Keith turned to Kiera "How did you know what to do?"

"One of the things with ballroom dance is that you just have to listen to your partner." She said with a shrug.

Her twin turned to stare at Lance again. Kiera noticed a blush rise in his cheeks. She smirked. He had some explaining to do.

Lance was bright red and still staring at the floor when he said "I probably don't look as macho as I'd like but I really missed dancing."

"Lance, are you kidding?" Kiera yelled "That was brilliant! You're an amazing dancer!"

"Thanks." He mumbled.

"Now, Lance, if you would kindly leave the room," She said "My brother and I need to talk."

Lance's head shot up "Wait, brother? You two are siblings?"

"Twins." Kiera said. Lance looked like he might fall over.

"I've only know for about a week." Keith said. Lance left the room with his eyes wide.

Kiera turned to her brother and said "Spill."

"Huh?" He cocked his head to the side.

She crossed her arms "I saw the way you looked at him. Now, spill. Tell me what's going on."

Keith blushed and looked down "There's nothing to explain."

"Oh really?" Kiera said "You seemed about ready to throw yourself into his arms."

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