Chapter 30

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The kiss was short and no emotion was shown on either side. The crowd clapped a little. Lance finally let Kiera stand and led her back to where the other Paladins were.

When they arrived, Kiera let how mortified she was and how much she hadn't wanted to do that take over her face. She faced the wall as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Kiera." Allura whispered "Are you alright?"

Kiera furiously wiped the tear away "I didn't want to kiss him. But the crowd expected us to. I didn't want to raise suspicions."

Allura placed a hand gently on her shoulder "You are very brace, Kiera. I admire you for that."

"Thanks, Allura." She whispered as she placed a hand on the princess's hand. She had finally used Allura's name.

She looked around at the Paladins. Hunk was back. Keith was still out. Where was Pidge?

"Where's Pidge?" Kiera whispered to Allura.

A look of sadness crossed her face "She said she needed some air right as your lips touched Lance's. I fear she may be hurt. You must go talk to her."

"I will." Kiera said "Where is she?"

Allura pointed "She went to that balcony."

"Thanks." Kiera said and quickly rushed off in that direction.

She reached the balcony doors and placed a hand on the handle. There were curtains and she couldn't see Pidge.

Kiera took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Pidge stood in her light green dress, staring out at the stars and the lit up village. Her eyes were filled with something that Kiera couldn't quite place. Her knuckles were turning white on the balcony railing.

"Pigeon?" Kiera asked quietly. Pidge didn't respond. Kiera gently placed a hand on her shoulder "Pidge are you alright?"

Silence from the Green Paladin. She simply stood there.

After a long pause, she said "You kissed him."

Kiera felt like she'd been stabbed.

Pidge kept going, still not looking at Kiera "You kissed him at the end of the dance. You kissed him in front of everyone. You kissed him instead of..." she trailed off.

Tears grew in Kiera's eyes "I know. I had to. The crowd thought we were in love and-"

"And what, Kiera?" Pidge said, turning on her "You had to give in to your crush finally? You had to just kiss him with no regard to anyone? Oh, I love Lance, better kiss him now!"

A tear fell down Kiera's cheek "Its not like that-"

"Sure, it's not like that." Pidge was really angry "You didn't kiss him. Yeah, of course. Kiera, if you love him, fine. But remember earlier? When you basically told me your brother had a crush on Lance? He saw the kiss too. He had almost come back from getting air, saw you guys and left again, tears running down his face. How could you do that to your own brother?"

Tears started slipping down Kiera's cheeks. She used her fists to wipe them away but more came. She turned away from Pidge and let herself cry.

"Kiera, if you can't stay loyal to your brother, what was anyone who was going to try and like you going to expect?" Demanded Pidge.

"It's not like that." Kiera said then practically screamed "Its not like that!"

Pidge fell silent. Kiera's fists were balled at her sides and her face was a mess of tears. She slowly turned to Pidge and looked her in the eye.

Hey, Brother? {a Voltron fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now