Chapter 39

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Kiera heard Pidge and Shiro walk inside but their footsteps abruptly stopped. Pidge sank to her knees, crying.

Commander Holt's fearful voice said "Who are you?"

Shiro spoke first, taking off his helmet "Hi, Sam. It's me. Shiro."

"Shiro." The Commander gasped and stood up. The two men hugged tightly and the Commander said "I thought they'd killed you."

"We don't have time for explanations right now." Shiro said and nudged Pidge, who was still crying and on her knees.

The Commander peered at her, not recognizing her because of the helmet "Who is this?"

"Dad, it's me." Pidge's voice was weighed down with sadness and she took off her helmet. She stood carefully in front of her father.

"Katie?" The Commander's voice was breathless "Why are you in space?"

Pidge didn't answer and dashed forward, engulfing him in a hug and crying into his chest "I missed you, Dad."

The Commander buried his face in her hair "I miss you too. Kiera told you all those things I wanted you to know, right?"

"Of course I did." Kiera poked her head in "And, um, hate to break up the loving family reunion, but I got a bit of a problem out here." She brought her head back out and shot at the robots that were encircling her.

Shiro climbed out of the hole and said "I think Sam is injured. Can you call Ace? Might be faster."

"Sure." She spoke into the intercom "Keith, tell Ace to get to me now. He will probably answer with some clicks but you can ignore that."

"On it." Keith said "He's on his way. What's going on?"

"Oh, you know just some guards pinning us down in the cell, nothing big." Kiera said and shot more bots down. More kept coming.

Lance yelled through the intercom "Keith, behind you!" A shot rang out through her headset.

"Keith?" She yelled "Keith are you okay?!"

Lance said "He's fine. His helmet got shot but he's fine."

Shiro spoke calmly "We are on our way there." His hand glowed purple and he slashed through more robots. The alarms were blaring through the ship now and prisoners were starting to gather at their cell doors.

Half a dozen robots came at them but they were all abruptly cut down with a huge metal fist.

Ace said Need help?

"Yes, we need help, Ace!" Kiera growled.

So, any humans that need carrying? Ace asked.

"Ace, I don't have time for sarcasm right now." She shot a robot down that was running up behind Ace. Then she dashed back into the cell and gently pulled the two Holt's apart.

"Commander, I have a robot here that will carry you to the lions." She said and without giving him any time to respond, she hoisted him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran from the cell room. Climbing trough the cell door hole was tough but she made it. Pidge was right behind her.

Kiera carefully placed the Commander in the seat of Ace's driving compartment "Sit tight, sir. You'll be safe in a minute or two."

Pidge squeezed her fathers hand "You can trust Kiera, dad. She saved my life."

Ace closed the door and said Yum, humans. Let's go.

"We need to run." Kiera grabbed Pidge's hand "Shiro, let's go!"

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