Chapter 1

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Kiera groaned as the blade was pressed roughly against her neck. Her carotid artery pounded against it. One simple nick or slice and she'd be dead in minutes.

Hooray! Death threats!

"Now." Said her attacker "We had a deal. I give you the steel and then you give me the pendant."

"Ha!" Kiera snorted "That's news! When did I even decide to make this trade?" The blade pressed a little harder into her neck, making her wince a little "Okay, okay, fine. I'll give you the pendant. You just need to let me have access to my neck." The blade moved away and her attacker stepped back.

Wrong move. Kiera lashed out with her fist, connecting it to the mans temple as hard as she could. He went down like a stone.

"And that'll teach to mess with space pirates!" She brought her foot down on his nose and heard a satisfying crack. The nose was broken. She leaned down and watched, intrigued, as the blood gushed from the break "And that will teach you to mess with me."

She stood and stretched her back. She hadn't intended to get violent. She'd just really needed the steel. And, of course, being the confident little bitch she was, she'd believed that the man wouldn't have taken the offer of her purple pendant. He had, unfortunately.

Kiera pulled the pendant out from under her jumpsuit and peered at it. The dark purple gemstone captured the moonlight perfectly.

She placed it back under her jumpsuit collar and ran to her suit. Well, she said suit, most of the universe would've said mini-spaceship-shaped-like-a-human.

She pulled the door down and pulled off her mask and turned it to face her. It was simply a galaxy patterned mask that covered her face. She thought it was beautiful. It had two small eye holes and an unnoticeable nose hole.

After placing it down next to her and grabbing the controls of her robot, she lifted off the planet and flew into space.

She flew and followed the coordinates appearing on the screen of her robot. She was quite fond of the thing. She'd named it Advanced Space Exploration or ASE. She called it Ace most of the time. Just for simplicity's sake.

Speaking of simplicity...

"Simplicity!" She called. Kiera heard the little bot scrambling up one of Aces legs. The little robot popped up in front of her and made a popping sound. Kiera called the sound popping for obvious reasons. Simplicity was a simple little robot that Kiera had made one day when she had been bored from making Ace. Simplicity looked a bit like a mix between a Chihuahua and a cat. Kiera loved him.

Simplicity jumped around the little person compartment and popped. He was a cheerful little robot.

Kiera found herself smiling like a dork "Simplicity, you always seem to know how to make someone who's been mugged after backing out of a trade feel better."

The little bot hopped up and bumped noses with her. Then went back to doinging around Ace.

Ace clicked at Kiera Systems are moving smoothly.

"Good." Kiera said "Make sure to tell me right away when something goes wrong."

Of course. Ace sounded mock offended when have I ever let you down?

"Well there was that one time you failed to tell me about the black hole that was right next to me." Kiera mused.

I though you saw that!

Kiera smirked "And you remember that time that we got stuck into a hyper beam when we tried to run away and almost got killed?"

Ok, whatever. Ace said I've forgotten to mention a few things. But I won't fail you from now on. Well, for the next couple hours at least?

"Only the next couple of hours?" She asked.

Yeah, um, my batteries going down. He said Might want to set down or something.

"Mhm, or something." Kiera snorted "I could just let your battery drain and we could all die in the black infinite vacuum of space."

Ace made a sound that sounded like a snort Simplicity and I wouldn't die. Only you would. We can survive without oxygen.

Kiera punched the wall affectionately "Yeah, yeah."

The language that Ace used was more like a collection of clicks and bongs and slides. Kind of like morse code but with a lot more sass.

Ace was the sassiest robot Kiera had ever encountered. And, of course, Simplicity was the most idiotic but everyone was special in their own way.

"Hey, Ace, can you go on autopilot for a minute?" She asked.

Of course. Ace said Thinking about your hair again?

Kiera sighed. He knew her so well "Yeah. Set course for the nearest large piece of rock or machinery. If it's a ship I can hack out some power. If it's a planet or moon then I can use the old fashioned way of charging you. If it's a star, then we're dead."

Ace snorted You, miss, are a ray of sunshine.

Kiera laughed and said "Whatever you say. Now get on autopilot."

Yes ma'am. Ace went silent and Kiera heard machinery hum.

She picked her hands off the controls and pulled off the head covering she always wore. She wasn't religious, just wanted to cover her ridiculous hair.

The material fell to her lap and she yanked her hair out of its braid. Her locks tumbled down, out of the zipper-like pattern and fell into wavy, mismatched hair that went down to her waist. Kiera had a lot of hair.

Her hair was strange. Some sections were dark and black. Then others were platinum blonde. She knew it was part of who she was but she had no idea what that meant.

Tentatively, she picked up the small mirror from the control panel and looked at herself.

Pale skin, mismatched hair and light purple eyes. Mix that with a heart shaped face and sporty-athletic hourglass body and slap a jumpsuit on the body and you had Kiera.

Damn. Ace said, intimidating all the men that commented on her body You single girl?

"Ace, shut up." She said. He knew she hated those comments. She didn't believe that she was pretty. She didn't really have time to be pretty.

Jeez, alright. Ace said Just thought I'd lighten the heavy mood. Also, we are almost near the big piece of land or machinery you ordered.

"Oh." Kiera said and started rebraiding her hair "What is it?"

Ace said It's a ship. An old Galra ship that looks like it was either abandoned or half blown up. I can sense the circuits and some of them are intact and carry energy.

Kiera smiled maliciously "Perfect. Let's go rob some purple people." She paused, pretending to forget something "Oh, and charge you, Ace. How could I forget?"

Shut up. He said.

"Okay, grumpy." Kiera snorted. She finished braiding her mismatched hair and slipped her hoodlike head wrap up and put on her mask.

She grabbed the controls and maneuvered them into an opening in the ship. Ace landed and Kiera pressed a button on her suit. Her mask turned into a galaxy patterned helmet that supplied her with oxygen.

"Let's go."

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