Chapter 17

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Kiera was a little annoyed at how tired she got so quickly. Normally she could go for a couple of days without even needing to rest. But just walking to one of the storage rooms was enough to make her slightly woozy.

"I was seriously in that pod for a week?" She couldn't get that into her head.

"Yeah." Keith said "A whole week."

The twins lapsed back into comfortable silence. Neither twin enjoyed social interactions much and neither enjoyed physical contact either. It kind of worked out perfectly. Every once in a while, Kiera would look at Keith's face and just kind of revel in the fact that after so many years of searching, she had found him.

They finally made it to a storage room and Keith pulled the door open. Kiera walked in and knelt. There were boxes all over the place. She opened one and saw what looked like armour. She opened the next one and saw some sort of microchip. The next box held boots, the next one had masks and, finally, one had clothes.

Kiera pulled out a white catsuit with light blue and light purple designs "Looks about small enough for me."

Keith nodded and exited the room. Kiera pulled off the healing pod suit and put on the catsuit. It did fit her pretty well. Then she found a white cloak that acted almost like a cape with a hood.

She twirled a little and watched with mild fascination as the cloak floated around her. It was something that she had always done as a kid.

"Let's go see the others." She whispered to herself. She took a breath in and walked out the door.

She and Keith walked to the control room. Kiera peeked in the door and saw everyone in there. Finally gathering enough courage to walk in, she and Keith did just that.

"Hey Keith." Lance said. When he saw Kiera, his eyes bulged and he stood up "Kiera, you're alive!"

Pidge whipped her head around and yelled "Huh?" Then saw Kiera and dashed forward and tackled her to the ground.

"You scared me!" Pidge yelled and slapped Kiera across the face "How are your ribs? Are you okay? Why were you in the healing pod for so long?!?" She slapped her again.

Kiera laughed and placed a hand where she'd been slapped "I'm fine, Pigeon, ribs are just a little sore. Can I stand up now?" Pidge helped her up as Allura walked up to her.

Before Allura could do anything, Kiera was suddenly lifted off the air into a bone crushing hug. The air was squeezed from her lungs and she almost kicked whoever it was before she realized it was Hunk.

"Yay!" He said "You're not dead! I'm glad you're back. You are the only person who wasn't disgusted by my space goo at first taste."

Kiera choked "Hunk. Can't breathe." He put her down and she sucked in a breath. Allura stood in front of her.

Kiera sweeped one foot behind the other, into a curtsy "Greetings, Your Highness. I hope it's all right that I borrowed your clothes."

"I was just about to comment on that." Allura said "Now get out of that curtsy." Kiera obliged and Allura hugged her quickly.

Lance slapped Kiera on the back so hard she stumbled forward a little "You survived. I was wondering if you were just trying to avoid me."

"Why would you think I wasn't avoiding you?" Kiera asked with false seriousness. Lance started to splutter something and she cut him off "Jeez, Lance, don't you know what a joke is?" Keith laughed behind her.

Shiro walked up to Kiera and said "Glad you're okay."

"Glad to be okay, Space Dad." She mock saluted him.

"I was hoping you'd forget the nickname." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "But I guess not." Kiera laughed.

Then she turned to Coran "Well, your plan is foiled, you didn't kill me."

He pretended to be upset but he wasn't much of an actor "Oh no! I was really hoping it'd kill you." He cracked a smile at her.

"So, what did you guys do while I was hanging out in a high tech cocoon?" She asked and leaned on the nearest chair.

"We were trying to find any way to figure out the prisons coordinates." Shiro explained "We really need to find it. So we have been looking at the galaxies with the planetary map and are trying to find any concentration of Galra."

Kiera inspected the map "How about there?"

"That's a Galra ship." Shiro said.

"Why is it so close to this planet?" Kiera pointed.

"Let's find out." Coran said "I can interrupt transmissions being sent between them." He pressed a few buttons that went beepy beep boop.

A voice came spoke into the room "Greetings, planet Calamity. I am Commander Sendak." At those words, a look of pure fear crossed Shiro's face and he stumbled back a little. Sendak kept talking "We, the Galra empire, hope to become allies with your planet. We will defend you from attack and you will help us capture the five lions of Voltron. In one week, we will meet in your main palace's ballroom for a celebration dinner party." The talking ended.

Shiro broke the silence and spoke in a panicked voice "How is Sendak alive? I-I shot him off into space. He can't be alive!"

"Shiro, calm down." Keith grabbed his shoulders "Breathe. It's alright." Shiro calmed down a little and Keith let go of him.

"So, judging by the transmission, they're having a dinner party." Coran said "How does that help us?"

"We could go in with lions blazing and capture Sendak." Lance suggested "Make him tell us where the prison is moving to."

Allura shook her head "I don't want him on this ship again. He didn't do anything good last time." She glanced at Shiro as if to say Sendak hadn't done anything good to Shiro when he was held captive here last time.

Pidge said "So, what do we do?"

The group fell silent for a minute. Kiera had an idea. She wasn't sure how the others would react to it though. It involved things that the crew would be very uncomfortable with.

She decided to share it anyway "We could just, I don't know, go in undercover? Like dressed as guests." The others blinked at her. She kept talking "Look, it's a fancy dinner party and I've infiltrated one or two before. I know how they work. I could teach you guys. As you've seen, I have exceptional manners when I need them. Emphasis on 'when I need them'. And, I know how to dance for these types of events."

Lance blinked "I took dance lessons when I was younger." He smiled cockily "I was actually pretty good."

"Would that work?" Kiera said, ignoring Lance.

"That," Allura paused "That actually might work! But how will we find the proper attire?"

"Leave all of that to me." Kiera said "Right now, you guys need to get practicing your etiquette and dancing skills." She grinned mischievously and spread her arms "Kiera's School for Ill Mannered Paladins is open for business!"

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