Chapter Two

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I heard the door slam behind me and jumped. I held onto Taurus', my service dog, bar tighter as we entered the office. I sighed into air as he led me into the room where my meeting was being held.

"May!" I heard a voice exclaim to my left and I turned, staring into no where, only seeing darkness.

I held out my hand and I felt another wrap around my wrist, being it up to a face.

I felt a bit of scruff under my hand and a rather large nose. I brought my fingers up carefully to feel bushy eyebrows and a buzz cut. I let my hand fall.

"My name is Richard, and I'll be your group leader. I know its hard to open up, but we all tell our stories here. This is a safe place. Come meet everyone." He encouraged me by pulling my arm lightly.

"Taurus, follow." I ordered and I felt a light tug, signaling he was following Richard. "Is he alright to be here?"

"Yes, since he is a service dog." he answered and I nodded.

After being greeted and able to ouch the faces lightly of a girl that was fourteen, a seventeen year old boy, and a quiet female that didn't say her age loud enough for me to hear, Richard led me a bit farther.

"Don't touch him, whatever you do." Richard warned under his breath before stopping. "Bradley, I would like you to meet May."

"Hello." I smiled as I stared forward. I felt my hand twitch, desperate to seek a face.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" a small, accented voice questioned.

"I can't see." I explained and shifted my feet uncomfortably. "I'm blind."

"Can I pet your dog?" he almost begged.

"Uh, okay. Taurus, heal."

I heard him huff as he sat down next to me. He whined happily and I guessed the boy was petting him.

"I miss my golden." he whispered. "I've never seen a white one before."

"He was an abnormality. Where is your dog?"

"Back in Birmingham with the rest of my family" he murmured.

"Oh." I pursed my lips. I want to touch his face, I feel vulnerable whenever I can't.

Group was full of stories about trauma. I was silent most of it.

"May, would you like to share your story?"

I thought for a moment. I was always forced to relive my experience. I barely trusted anyone with it. But this should help.

I cleared my throat and shifted in the hard plastic chair. "I was eleven and in school on a Thursday in April. I remember we had a new assistant teacher. It was his first week, starting Monday. He was always silent, I never even heard him speak a word. We were discussing Shakespeare's impact in literature, and I was talking to Camilla." - I gulped at my best friend's name - "We were saying how strange Mr. Amari was acting. He looked nervous." I began twisting my rings. "In the middle of our discussion, he stood up, walked to the center of the room, and yelled something. I didn't understand what he said, but Mrs. Kellogg spoke a lot of languages and she screamed for us to run." I felt water falling down my cheeks and rubbed away my tears. "But it was too late." I whispered. "All I saw was the flash and heard ringing and I didn't understand why I felt pain against my back, until I realized I was across the room. All I saw was black. The screams..." I trailed off and jumped as I felt a hand run up and down my back.

"It's Eleanor." I was thankful the owner of the comforting hand explained.

I took a deep breath and continued. "Camilla died as soon as the blast hit. Turns out, Mr. Amari was a worshipper of terrorism and had used a bomb strapped to his chest to kill us, along with himself. The last sight ever I saw was his angry yet proud face."

"Thank you for sharing, May." everyone said in hushed tones and I nodded a thank you.

"Well, thats it for today. See you next week." Richard concluded the group meeting and Taurus pulled me up.

I walked out of the building and heard a car pull up.

"Get in sweetheart." I heard my mothers voice call and Taurus tugged me towards the car. I opened the door and went into the back seat.

"How was your first meeting?"

"It was fine. I told my story." I answered and I knew she had a frown.

"How did you do?" her voice was anxious.

"I did alright." I shrugged and thought back to Bradley. "I felt vulnerable."

"You didn't have to yet-"

"No, not about my story. There was a boy there. He wouldn't let me touch his face."

"Well, you have to remember that everyone there has some form of trauma. He probably doesn't like to be touched." she still sounded hesitant as she drove.

"I know, but it still makes me feel bad." I crossed my arms and Taurus put his head on my lap. I brought one hand down and stroked his long fur.

"Well, win some you loose some. I can possibly go in with you next time and tel you what he looks like." she offered.

"No, its okay." I sighed.

"Your roots are showing. Want to go get a touch up?" she prompted.

"Why do I even dye my hair? I can't see it anyways."

"Man, you really are in a bitchy mood aren't you?" my other huffed. "Well, we're going anyways."

"Fine." I groaned.

When we arrived, I walked in silently behind my mother, who was loudly greeted by th stylist.

"The usual?" She questions.

"Yes please." I answer and sigh.

I barely know what I look like. The vague destructions from my mother and what I can feel. I know that I have blue-green eyes that almost look too big for my face. They're pretty I've heard; only if they worked would they be perfect. I know I have clear, tan skin since I have great genes. I also have a 'cute' nose and my blonde-brown hair reaches to my lower back. I'm short, specifically 5'2, and I have a skinny figure. I only get highlights of blonde and low lights of dark brown whenever I get my hair dyed.

That night, I was restless. I couldn't stay asleep.

I had one thing on my mind.

What if the boy called Bradley was more damaged than I ever was?


Stop being a hoe Sabrina.


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