Chapter Thirty Six

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"I want you to know something, May." Bradley whispered. My arms wrapped around him as we laid on his bed, his fingers tracing over my side aimlessly.

"Anything." I mumbled.

"As you know...I'm not a virgin." he whispered and I felt him flinch. I rubbed his arm reassuringly. "But I like to think myself as one, and I want you to understand that."

"I do. I understand completely and I want you to be completely comfortable." I sat up so he could see the truth in my expression.

"You're one of course, too, right?" he asked quite nervously.

" Of course I am. You were my first kiss. Loosing that kinda involves kissing most of the time." I paused before adding. "I'm mentally rolling my eyes."

He laughed and I smiled. "I wish I could see your face." I sighed and let my hand search before feeling his lips against my fingers. I trailed up his smooth nose before going around his brow bone, finally resting on his soft, warm cheek.

"No you don't." he uttered softly.

"I do though. I want to know your skin and see your hair and your eyes and your smile." I explained and ran my fingers over hair, trying to feel the curls of it to no avail.

"You don't. Trust me on this, I live with it everyday."

"Bradley, we're going out. Right now." I ordered when a crazy idea came into my head.

"What? Why?"

"Come on." I felt for his hand and pulled him up once found.



I held May's arm as she tried to speak something to her phone while we walked down the street.

"Just tell me where and I'll bring walk us there, I promise." I bargained.

"Fine." she huffed reluctantly. "The Mall."


"Don't make me ask again." she joked, grabbed my arm and I began the short walk to the nearest mall.

The walk was short, with Taurus on a leash instead of a harness so he seemed much happier as he trotted through the mall door I was holding for May.

"Okay, so why are we at the mall?" I urged and she sighed.

"I want to show you something." She said and held her hand out for me to take. I wrapped my fingers around hers. "Take me into Abercrombie."

The looks May received for her service dog and forward stare were enough to make me clench my jaw on the way to the store. Has no one ever seen a blind person before? Let her be. I scowled the whole way and shot glares to people who looked at her wrong, of course avoiding eye contact by staring at their cheek.

"Here we are. Now what?" I questioned and gulped at the nearly packed store of teenagers.

"I want you to look for a pretty girl in-"

"I only see one." I kissed her head and she laughed while blushing.

"No, I mean, a girl around our age or a few years younger. Sixteen at least." She explained and my eyes searched the store while she twisted Taurus's leash around her hand so he was closer. I spotted a girl looking through the racks on her own with black, light makeup and tan skin. She was decent, but nothing close to May.

"Found one." I muttered and she nudged herself into me, wanting my arm around her. So I did and led her over to the girl.

"Three feet." I muttered and she stopped.

"Excuse me?" She spoke up and the girl turned, revealing brown eyes and braces. She was at most seventeen. 

"Uh, yeah?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"As you can probably tell, I'm blind." May explained and I was getting more confused by the second. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure?" She flashed her eyes to me, most likely trying not to look at me too long.

"Well, I want to know if he's as attractive as I think he is." I nearly choked on my air.

"May, that's not very-"

"I-Its fine." The girl stuttered. "I like his accent...and you're very lucky. He's quite attractive." The smiled before walking away.

I blushed and glared at May. "See! I told ya so." she giggled gleefully, grabbed my hand and skipped off to our next destination.




Okay this here is important. The next few chapters will all be spaced by TWO MONTHS. THIS IS CRUCIAL TO UNDERSTAND SO IT DOESNT SEEM SO FAST PACED.

lol bai


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