Chapter Thirty Four

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This chapter was thought of by the amazing ed hobo

*Three weeks Later*


"Little to the left." I instructed May as she tried to rewrap my arm.

I chose not to tell anyone about the incident three weeks ago, and I made May promise she wouldn't either. Though reluctant, she did agree that they would put me back in the hospital.

"I'm trying." She said frustrated as she stuck her tongue out a little in concentration.

May has been with me everyday for the past three weeks. I barely spoke to anyone but her and I didn't care. She would hold me and I would wrap my arms around her. I had been deprived of hugging someone for ten years and May was helping me make up for it. We went for a walk last week, and I held her hand to help her. We both smiled that I could touch her, finally.

I hoped I could be able to touch her more.

I told her I loved her as much and often as I could, and she always returned it.

So here we sat, cross legged on my bed while facing each other, a bandage in the middle with my arm in her tiny hand.

"I know you are."

"I just wish I could do more. Can you do it?" She sounded ashamed.

"Of course I can." I answered and I took the wrappings gently from her hands and finished what she started.

"All done. Just needed some tape." I assured her and she just nodded. She hung her head and looked face. "Hey..."

She lifted it again so I could see her face. Her delicate fingers were twisting together, so I grabbed them and held them in mine.

"You know this is hard for me too." I whispered and moved a little closer to her, so our faces were just six inches apart. "But know, that I'm trying. I don't want you to have to keep doing this. I'm trying so hard for you, May." I plead for her to understand that it's difficult for us both.

"I know, Bradley. And I believe that together, we can get through it all." She gives me a small smile.

This beautiful creature wants to try to get through it together. My whole life has been people pushing me through my pain, never helping. But May shares my pain. She knows it. That means that we can actually work as one and get through it.

"Can I try something?" I breathed out nervously, my hands shaking.

Her beautiful eyes stared, "Okay..."

"Just...stay still and trust me." I whispered, shakily as I moved myself closer to her.

Something clicked in her as my breath fanned over her face.

"Bradley, you don't have to do this." She gulped.

"May, just let me try." I begged.

"Give me your hands." She whispered, our faces two inches apart. I grabbed her soft hands with mine and she intertwined our fingers. My hands were so much bigger than hers. She closed her eyes. "I won't move, if this is what you want." Her voice was shaky, but somehow sure at the same time.

I leaned forward more and closed my eyes before I felt our lips brush.

"Brad." I heard the evil voice hiss and flinched away, turning my head to the side with my eyes squeezed shut. (A/N *when WORRY comes on as you write this*)

Her fingers pulled from mine and replaced them on my face, one on each side.

"Look at me." She urged softly as she attempted to turn my head. "Bradley, look at me. It's May. She's not here. I'll protect you. She's never going near you. She's gone." She hushed and ran her thumbs lightly over my warm cheeks. She tried again to turn my head and I allowed her. My eyes open slowly. "This is our moment." She whispered. Her hands were still against my cheeks as placed her forehead against mine and closing her sea glass eyes. I closed mine.

"Ours." I whispered.

"Ours." She confirmed in the same tone.

"I wanna try again."

"I believe in you." She said quietly before I put my hands against her soft cheeks carefully. Her hands fell onto her lap.

Her breathing picked up and I kept my eyes on her closed ones, our foreheads still together.

This is May. The girl I love. Marianna will never be here because she's dead, but even if she wasn't, I knew this girl would be there to fight along side me.

So, I took a leap of courage and nudged my lips to hers.



It's my birf day 🙃

Happy Adult?


Mentally five?



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