Chapter Eight

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I walked into the office at 2:46; sixteen minutes late. I took a very long, deep breath before opening the door. May turned her head in the direction I was in.

"Bradley?" She questioned.

"Yes." I answered and sat down in a seat. She stayed standing. "Why aren't you sitting?" I asked curiously.

"I just want to stand." She smiled and shifted her feet.

I nodded even though she wouldn't see it. "Where's Richard?"


"Sorry I'm late kids. I had to pick up Florence."

Florence was Richard's wife; also a trauma psychiatrist. She was nice enough and kept her distance from me.

"Well, lets get started shall we?" Richard rubbed his hands together before clapping. He took a seat and Florence followed into the one next to him.

"What are your fears May?" Straight to the point, I see.

"I'm afraid of many things. No one is afraid of nothing. I'm afraid loud noises, it gives me flashback. I'm terrified of water. I can never see the bottom of the ocean, so why try and possibly drown. I'm also afraid of vulnerability. I'm afraid of dying most of all."

"Why does dying scare you?" I was curious. Death always seemed to be what I craved most in this world.

"Because I would leave behind so many things. My mother would be in pain, as would my father and of course Taurus." She bent down and pet her dogs head.

"Thank you for sharing." Richard praised with a small smile.

"Bradley?" Florence encouraged.

I contemplated my chances of running. I would most likely feel guilty if I did.

"Before you start, can I get some water?" May asked and I was thankful.

"Of course." Richard answered.

"Thank you." She mumbled and began walking to pass behind my chair.

That's when it happened.

May tripped over the lip of the rug and caught herself on my shoulder by accident.

All I say was black hair and brown eyes as I began hyperventilating. My eyes stung and I screamed my first "No!"

My hands flew to my ears and May pulled her hand away. I fell off my chair as I began repeating "No, no, no, no!" Shaking my head and squeezing my eyes shut. The hot tears fell down my face as I crawled over to the corner, shaking violently.

"Get her out of here!" Richard yelled.

"Is he okay?! What did I do?! Where is he?!" May sounded like she was crying and her voice became distant signaling her exit.

"LET GO!" I screamed "Stop it please." My voice croaked as I continued to sob violently and hallucinate Marianna.

"Let go of me!" I yelled and saw the blurred face of Richard.

"Breathe, Bradley. Breathe!" His voice was frantic.

"I-" heave "Can't!" Heave. My throat felt as if it was closing. My head felt disconnected from my body. I clutched myself into a protective ball.

"Yes, you can. She's not here! Look at me. I wont let her hurt you ever again!" He sounded truthful but soon his blue eyes morphed into brown and his buzz cut grew to his shoulders and burned black. Marianna.

"Go away! Please leave me alone!" My arms moved from my ears to in front of me to protect myself from her.

I felt a stretch of skin on my arms before I felt the wetness run down my arm.

The warm blood seeped down, landing on the white tiled floor, creating a pool.

"Bradley!" Marianna gasped in horror and I did the only thing I could think of. I dug my nails into my arm, screaming at the pain it caused. More blood began to collect on the floor.

I couldn't breathe. My throat was closing. The ends of my vision turned black as my gasping slowed. I couldn't get any air. I tried for more but I felt tired.

"I can't breathe." I managed and choked at the end.

"Keep your eyes open!" Richard frantically said then yelled "Four bands!"

I gave up on gasping, letting my breathing stop. I let my legs fall weakly, landing in my blood.

My vision was black.

Is this what it's like for May? My fading mind wandered.

I felt tightness around my upper arms. They're trying to stop the bleeding.

"" I begged and squeezed the tears out of my eyes.

"You're not going to die Bradley." Richard told me.

"I want to..." I mumbled quietly feeling weak.

"No one else wants you gone." He said to me before my vision began to clear up slowly.

"Where's...May?" I murmured.

"She left." Florence told me from my right side.

"Why?" I began to cry again, this time lighter.

"She just felt bad. It's okay." Florence assured me and I nodded lightly.

Why can't I just be normal?




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