Chapter Thirty One

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I stared at May as we sat crossed on my bed. She was attempting to wrap my arm since I hadn't gotten deep enough to penetrate the artery, and getting extremely frustrated.

She gave up after ten minutes and put her head in her hands. "I can't even help you wrap a bandage."

"May, it's fine. I can do it." I assured her.

"No, I need to. I need to do this." She swallowed before reaching to my arm again.

I had wrapped her hand, because apparently in my rage I had accidentally cut her. I was ashamed of myself for harming her in anyway, but she told me it was okay, even when it wasn't.

She smiled staring forward as she put the piece of tape I gave her over her wrapping job. "There." She said, quite proud of herself.

"Good job." I murmured.

"What color?" She asked curiously.

I looked up from my arm. "What?"

"What color are your eyes? I always imaged them blue. And they have wide sockets, which means your eyes are big. I had to learn these kinds of things." She blushed.

"They're brown. And you can say they're a bit big."

"What shade brown?"

"Dark brown. But sometimes if the light hits them just right, they're lighter."

"That's cool." She responded and I stood to put the medical supplies on my desk. I went back to her and she opened her arms. I was hesitant before sitting back on the bed and wrapping my arms around her. She sighed happily.

"What color is this?" She touched the end of my curly hair as she spoke into my neck

"Brown too. It's curly, but it too curly. What color did you think?" I was becoming more comfortable in the hug. It was awkward since she was leaning forward to touch me.

"I was thinking black. What kind of brown?" She whispered.

"Chocolate I've been told."

"Do you have any freckles?"

I laughed lightly at her question and I felt her smile. "No. I'm afraid I'm too tan for that."

"Are you naturally tan? Like what's your heritage?"

"I don't know my heritage, to be honest. But I do know that I get tanner in the summer. It's more of a sun thing." I shrugged and pulled her closer to me.

"You look nice in my mind." She sighed happily.

"If only you could really see me."

"I can. It's a talent, I guess you could say. When I feel someone's face, I start to draw it in my mind. I felt your forehead and it was two and a half inches roughly. I know your hairs brown now, so I can tell that you have a bit darker eyebrows. You have curly brown hair and your nose reaches an inch out almost. Your lips are thin, but not too thin. You're tan and you have a nice build. How tall are you?"

"I'm five seven, almost eight." I was shocked by her description.

"That's good. What do your teeth look like?"

"I had braces when I was younger. Should've seen how they had to put them on." I shook my head and nuzzles my face more into her soft hair. "Four hours of anesthesia later I had metal in my mouth."

"You were that bad?" She giggled slightly and I nodded.

"Oh yeah."

We were silent for a minute in the warm embrace before I asked a question that's been in the back of my mind.

"Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" I whispered.

"More than anything." She agreed.

"You know that it will be hard for us to love each other." I reminded her and she shrugged.

"Let the world throw us all they've got." She mumbled.

"I love you, May."

"And I you, Bradley." She answered with such a sure voice, I nearly choked with happiness.

"Can you say it again?" I begged.

"I love you, Bradley Simpson." She answered and I felt her smile.

"If you're willing to try, then so am I."

She pulled away. "Are you serious?"

"If you want to, yes."

"Of course I want to! It'll be hard but we can do it. I believe in us." She nodded eagerly and I smiled at her happiness.


Well I'm tired and all I smell is chemicals


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