Chapter Thirty Two

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He was warm. Very warm. I didn't think I'd ever be able to hug Bradley, to be held in his arms and be so comfortable and content. I nearly forgot about the incident that took place just three hours ago.

"What are you wearing?" He mumbled into my shoulder.

"I ran here barefoot and with just this on. I didn't want to change." I told him.

"How'd you get here?"

"I saw grey." I answered in a hushed tone.

He pulled away and I sighed unhappily at the loss of contact. "You saw a color?"

"Yes, but only outlines. I think it was the adrenaline and thought of you..." my bottom lip quivered "Cold...d-dead." I choked out the last words and he pulled me into his arms again as I cried.

"Please don't do that again." I begged as I wet his shirt with tears.

"I can't promise you that, May." He sounded so hurt and almost pitiful that he knew he could do it again so simply.

"Don't do it." I shook my head and let out a small cough, gripping his shirt in my fist. "I'll be here for you. I'll take care of you, Bradley. I will." I assured him.

"I know, May. I believe you but these feelings just don't go away. It's implanted in my mind that I can't live."

"Do you still want to?" I asked quietly, knowing the answer but still afraid for him to speak the words out loud.

"I always will want to." He answered and I felt him place a small kiss against my hair.

"Please, don't. I love you and I don't want to loose you. I almost did today and the feeling was torture to know that you would be gone soon and I would never speak to you again. I like your voice. It sounds so unique and incredible and your accent is amazing and I'd miss those little phrases you use that are only in England. Like bloke and proper. I've never heard an American say "This is a proper coffee" without it sounding stupid. I can't loose you."

"I'm going to try May. But you know that I have no control over my mind." He whispered.

"Trying is all that ask." I begged.

"And trying is what you'll receive."


*when you wake up in the morning and don't recognize yourself*

I'm 18 tomorrow look out adult world


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